A fox cub biting its mother's ear is too cute! A video of a friendly fox family in Hokkaido is very heartwarming.|Domingo

A fox cub biting its mother's ear is too cute! A video of a friendly fox family in Hokkaido is very heartwarming.




Tomamae Town

A video taken in Tomamae Town facing the Sea of Japan in the northern part of Hokkaido has become the talk of the town on social networking sites. It's a hot topic on social networking sites.

A kogitsune

A little fox desperately bites the ear of a napping fox. The fox's smiling face has attracted many comments from social networking sites, such as "It's just like a puppy" and "It's so soothing.

Fox cubs snuggled up to their mother.

According to Kito, the owner of the post, this fox and her cubs were living under the warehouse of a farmer in Tomamae Town. The camera captured the adorable foxes, who were stuck together and would not move away from each other.

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The image of a fox is of a golden yellow fur, but the fur of a baby fox is black and changes to the same color as its parents as it grows older. Their small, innocent appearance is truly puppy-like.

Photographer who moved from Kyoto to Hokkaido

The photographer who shot the video, Mr. Kito, moved to Hokkaido while studying at Kyoto University and has been traveling around Hokkaido with a camera in hand, taking pictures of beautiful scenery and animals. Please check out his work on X and Instagram.

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Interviewed by Keeto


Born in 2001. Enrolled in Kyoto University, Faculty of Economics (on leave). Born and raised in Kyoto. Started shooting in the fall of my sophomore year of college, and based in Kyoto, moved all over Honshu, mainly taking pictures of landscapes. For some reason (see YouTube for details), he took a leave of absence after his junior year and moved to Ebetsu City, Hokkaido in May 2023. He continues to move around Hokkaido, traveling 40,000 km a year.

X (former Twitter): @hokki_to
Instagram: @hokki_to
Youtube channel: @hokki_to

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