The wishes of the people living along the streetcar line take shape! Streetcars in reissued colors run through the city of Sapporo.|Domingo

The wishes of the people living along the streetcar line take shape! Streetcars in reissued colors run through the city of Sapporo.

The two-tone Sapporo streetcars have been lost. The crowdfunding campaign started to revive this once standard color scheme has exceeded its initial goal by a wide margin, and Sapporo Tram 240 Type 243 is now back in service until May 2024. Sapporo Tram 240 Type 243 will be in operation until May 2024.

Nostalgic coloring that will remain in the hearts of Sapporo citizens

The two-tone "Desert Cream" and "Light Green" cars started running in the 1950s, and in the 1970s, when all cars were converted to one-man trains, the center line of the car body was changed from red to white. Many people have memories of these streetcars, with their pop colors blending in perfectly with the scenery of the city. Although it was once the standard color for streetcars, it was replaced one after another by newer cars due to aging, and the last two-tone car will be retired in 2021.


The repainted Type 240 Car No. 243.

The recruitment period was full of peaks and valleys. People living along the streetcar line also gave their support.

The Hokkaido Railway Tourism Resource Study Group (headed by Shigeru Nagayama), made up of railroad enthusiasts in Hokkaido, set out to revive the nostalgic scenery of the city. However, the group did not always succeed in achieving its goals.

Tetsu Wada, a member of the group and a well-known town-walking researcher, says, "Immediately after the project started, we were anxious and impatient because the project was not growing as we had expected. As the second half of the project began, the team focused on grassroots activities such as posting to residents and stores along the route, and with the cooperation of the Sapporo City Transportation Business Promotion Corporation, valuable return items were newly provided.


Mr. Wada lined up on the streetcar in the color of the reissue.

The goal was exceeded by a wide margin!

Thanks to the efforts of many people, the initial goal of 5.5 million yen was reached in about two months after the crowdfunding project was launched in May 2023, raising approximately 7.24 million yen, far exceeding the initial goal. The project officials said, "We realized how much not only railroad fans but also local people love the streetcars. About 10% of the supporters are people who live in Sapporo's Chuo Ward, and some of them have even received postcards from hearing-impaired people asking how they can help.


The white belt indicating a "one-man car" is also reproduced.


ほぼ完全再現したこだわりの数々<h3 class="ptn_4"> Thorough attention to detail in the reproduction paint job</h3> <p> Although the details of the car body have changed as a result of previous repairs and renovations, such as the front light below the front window being changed from single-light to double-light, we have reproduced the livery as much as possible. The "2" in white letters on the lower right front is a reproduction of the system indicator plate that was once a steel plate, and the angle of the V was adjusted and modified many times to make the twin-light look as good as it did in the single-light days.</p> <p> Mr. Wada says, "I hope visitors will enjoy the contrast between the old streetcar colors and the redeveloped cityscape.</p> <p><img id="25185" src="" alt="札幌市電"></p> <p class="imgcaption"> The detailing is meticulous. The number in the lower right is a reproduction of the system indicator board.</p> <h3 class="ptn_4"> Let's burn the last year and the last streetcar standard color into your eyes!</h3> <p> On August 1, 2023, children living along the streetcar line were invited by Mr. Satoshi Wada, a streetwalking researcher, to ride on the streetcar during its unveiling. He explained the history of the streetcar and its route, and the children listened attentively. Along the street, many streetcar fans held up their cameras, and some even held up handmade panels saying, "Congratulations on the achievement of this project. Some of them held up handmade panels saying "Congratulations on your project." It was a great reminder that Sapporo streetcars are loved by many people.</p> <p><img id="25186" src="" alt="札幌市電"></p> <p class="imgcaption"> Children listening to Mr. Wada's explanation</p> <p> The revival-color streetcars were originally scheduled to run until April 2024, but with the support of many people, it was decided to extend the service until May 10. 243 will run through the streets of Sapporo as a regular vehicle and then retire, but during this period, event operation is also planned and the streetcars can be chartered for private events. The last year of the familiar Sapporo-colored streetcars will begin.</p> <p><img id="25187" src="" alt="札幌市電"></p> <p class="imgcaption"> The current green-colored streetcar (photo at left) and the reissued color (photo at right)</p> <h3 class="ptn_5"> Check them out together!</h3>

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