The "black fluffy thing" standing in front of a railroad crossing near an abandoned station.|Domingo

The "black fluffy thing" standing in front of a railroad crossing near an abandoned station.




Numata Town

Rumoisen Koukai Eki-San" (Rumoisen Station Stroll), produced by visiting all stations on the Rumo Line.

QPlease tell us about your thoughts behind the creation of "Rumoisen Koukou Ekiman (Hajimotsu-chan to Ekiman-san)".

Just the year before last, I heard from my friend Hajimete-chan, an illustrator, that she wanted to visit all the stations on the Rumoi Line before the line was closed, and I invited her to go with me because I was going back to Hokkaido at the beginning of the year. He also mentioned before and after that he wanted to try his hand at cartooning in addition to illustration, so I thought it would be a good idea for me to actually visit the area and write about the Rumoi Line in the form of a travelogue.

From "Rumoisen Koukoku Eki Stroll (Hajimechan to Ekiman-san)

QHow did you proceed with the production?

We were trying to make it in time for the Summer Comic, so we worked together on the naming, etc., but I was in charge of the final dialogue and copying, so the character's personality became more like Hajiman-chan and myself (probably even more so than at the naming stage).

From "Rumojisen Koukoku Koukoku Stroll (Hajimete-chan and Stationmaster)

Rumokichi Yamamoto, the stationmaster of the Rumoi Line, has been into Hokkaido for more than ten years and has been wandering around the island in his spare time. He used to visit the Rumoi Line about once a year. His vitality and love for the Rumoi Line is also reflected in this "Rumoi Line Station-by-Station Walk".

Check it out as well!

Writer Profile

Web Writer Yamashita, Maaya

Born and living in Hokkaido. My love of coffee led me to the world of web writing, where I have been involved in coffee media. I am best at writing articles with a soft style and a subjective viewpoint. I love to write articles that are connected by the word "like.

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