It snowed a lot! The dog who loves snow is "too cute" and "looks like a pie-thrower".|Domingo

It snowed a lot! The dog who loves snow is "too cute" and "looks like a pie-thrower".




Hakodate City

March has arrived and spring is finally in the air...but Hokkaido is still showing us the baptism of the snow country. Many of you may be surprised by the heavy snowfall, which seems to have reverted back to midwinter.

In such a situation, a photo posted on SNS was too cute and became a topic of conversation! It has become a topic of conversation.

It snowed a lot! It was fun!


Quote from @koma_hako's post

A dog with lots of snow on his face! Komasuke, a Jack Russell Terrier living in Hakodate, Hokkaido, shared how he played in the snow with all his might.

The post was so funny that many people commented, "That's great! You had a great time!" You can tell he had a lot of fun," and "It looks like he was playing with a pie," were some of the comments that came in, and the post received over 130,000 likes.

We talked to the owner.

Komasuke healed many people with his innocence. We interviewed his owner.

QIt snowed heavily over the weekend, as if midwinter had returned.

He was born in Hokkaido (Nanae Town) and loves snow. He even wants to go for a walk even on snow storm days.

駒輔くん 駒輔くん

Quote from @koma_hako's post

Last weekend we had snow for the first time in a long time, so he was overjoyed from the moment he stepped out the front door, running and rolling around.

QIs there anything you would like to tell people who are watching Domingo?

The Jack Russell Terrier breed is very bright, energetic, and cheerful. Living with a Jack Russell Terrier in Hokkaido is great.


Quote from @misakonambu's post

My life has changed a lot since I welcomed Komasuke. We walk a lot every day together, so it's good exercise.
I hope you all enjoy your life with Jack!

He added, "On snowy days, he wants to walk endlessly. Sometimes we walk for about two hours at a time. (That's more than 10,000 steps for a human)," says his owner. Even on a tough snow day, it makes you smile to see him enjoying himself so much!

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