Very elaborate and a bit surreal? I tried "Miniature Hokkaido vol.3|Domingo

Very elaborate and a bit surreal? I tried "Miniature Hokkaido vol.3




In the world of capsule toys, which is rich in variations, there is now a new favorite that people in Hokkaido will surely recognize. Its name is "Miniature Hokkaido vol. 3. Its elaborate construction is well worth a look.

Found at a local supermarket! Now for the real battle!

I had been looking for this product since I heard a rumor that it was on sale, and finally found it in a supermarket in Sapporo.


It was in front of the rest area of the supermarket.

There are six kinds inside. All of them are familiar to the residents of the province.

Sekoma: Hokkaido melon soft
Yanagizuki: Sanporoku Plain
Nishiyama Seimen: Nishiyama 5-Serving Ramen
Bell Foods: Seikishikkake Sweat Sauce
Hokuren: Yumepirika
Kinpitsu Shuzo: Yukiguni no Daruma


Which one is the winner is up to the individual.

Now for the real battle!


Here it comes!


Outside like this

What the hell came out...?

I'll actually open it up!




This is...


Three way six!

When you see the real thing, you can tell that it is carefully crafted down to the smallest detail.


Careful construction, even down to the description on the back!


There was also an introduction paper inside!


Introduction of each product

Perfect for Hokkaido souvenirs! Why don't you give them a try?


vol.2 was also set up!

Incidentally, the supermarket I visited also has vol. 2, both of which are elaborately made capsule toys that are sure to be popular. If you see any of them as a souvenir of Hokkaido, please give them a try!

Check them out as well!

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