Game consoles walk away from each other and smash into each other in a "shocking" scene.
The game consoles were walking around aimlessly and bumping into each other. What exactly is going on?
Next generation game console war (physics)

Quote from @tomorrow56's post.
The video game consoles seem to be fighting for supremacy, and many people on social networking sites have commented, "This is so cute!
The author, tomorrow56, said, "Surprisingly, young people found it interesting.
The creator of these "walking game consoles" is tomorrow56. The name of the work is "Rise up! The work was exhibited at "NT Sapporo mini," an exhibition event for people who like making things, held as part of the urban festival "NoMaps2024" in Sapporo in September 2024, and many people stopped to take a look at it.
We interviewed the creator, tomorrow56, about how he came to create this work.
I had originally made a quadruped walking unit as a hobby, but when I put it on a junk Sega Saturn and exhibited it at an exhibition, it was better received than I expected, and people who saw it asked me, "Don't you move other game consoles? →Then, I decided to make a next-generation game console, so I decided to make a PlayStation next.
Those who actually operated the machine commented, "The Sega Saturn is stronger than the Prestige (laughs). Also, it was unexpected that young people found the game interesting.
I also made my own 3D printer! Disassembling gadgets and releasing them to the public
Tomorrow56 usually disassembles gadgets and shows them to the public. The USB charger he disassembled the other day received hundreds of likes, and he is a trusted figure among gadget lovers.

Quote from @tomorrow56's post.
He also made his own 3D printer. He used the 3D printer to create earrings with kanji characters.

3D printer that I made by myself

Kanji earrings that he has been making "for some reason" according to him.
Event venue overflowing with humor and love of craftsmanship

NT Sapporo mini" held over two days
At "NT Sapporo mini," where this year's works were exhibited, many other works were displayed as a celebration of electronics and monozukuri. A wide variety of works, from humorous creations to technical exhibits of serious quality, were on display, attracting many participants. If you were interested in the works exhibited this time, why not visit the next time the event is held?
(Image courtesy of tomorrow56 / NT Sapporo)
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