Creating an environment where children can grow up freely! Education" in Anping Town [Anping #3|Domingo

Creating an environment where children can grow up freely! Education" in Anping Town [Anping #3



Abira Town

This is the third installment of the Anping Town x Domingo series!
Many people are looking for a town where they can raise their children in a relaxed and nurturing environment. Many of you may be looking for a place to live with this in mind.

When we think of a town suitable for child-rearing, various notable points may come to mind, such as "lots of nature," "easy to join or create a neighborhood community," "plenty of parks," "focus on education," "adequate medical facilities," and so on.

The "town of Anping" introduced in this article focuses particularly on one of these points, "education. It is a town that is a must-see for those who are thinking of moving here to raise children, as it has created a playground for children and a system that supports the challenges of local residents.
Let's take a look at Anping's efforts in education!
Official website of Anping Town
Official Facebook page

Abira Education Plan" supporting children from childhood to adulthood

Abira Town has the "Abira Education Plan," a system to support children as they grow, from "play" and "learning" to "challenge.
Abira Yuiku" nurtures children's curiosity and sensitivity through play, "Abirabo" expands their horizons through learning, and "Kaitaku" challenges them based on their interests.
Through these three stages, we support children in building a "new world.

Let's take a closer look at each of these three!

Play Education, which provides enriching play for children

The main target of "play education" is from infants to upper elementary school students.
This unfamiliar term, "play education," refers to the process of developing a healthy child while acquiring the basic movements (physical abilities), intelligence, and social skills necessary for the future in a well-balanced manner through "play.
For example, the feeling of wood when climbing a tree, the smell of earth when digging a hole in the ground, the coolness of water when playing with water...
Yuiku" provides children, who have less time to play outside, with opportunities, places, and the play itself to have "real experiences" that are essential to nurture their senses and sensibilities.

Interview with Chumu Suzuki, who is in charge of the program!

QWhat is "Yuiku"?

Education" refers to the teaching of various things to children by adults. On the other hand, "play education" means that children themselves take the initiative in growing up while playing.


In other words, it is about children realizing the many "things they want to try" within themselves. The realization of their "want to try" will become the seeds of "learning" and "challenge" as they grow up, and will become the basis for shaping who they are as human beings.
While food is nourishment for the body, play is nourishment for the mind. The mission of the "Yuiku" project is to provide "places," "opportunities," and "power to play" for children from infancy to upper elementary school age.

QPlay is nourishment for the soul." It is true that childhood play is still in our hearts and minds even after we grow up, and we feel that it is what makes us who we are today! What kind of places for play do you have in your town?

The first is the indoor playground "Puleiba" in the community space ENTRANCE in the town of Adaira.


Here, "asobi kaigi," or playtime created from nothing, takes place, and elementary school, junior high, high school, and adult students, regardless of age, interact, play the piano, draw pictures, and make crafts.
Various kinds of play are involved on a daily basis.
Next is the outdoor playground "Adventure Playground Gankeyama," newly opened in May 2021.


The "Adventure Playground" is a playground where children can play freely with crafts, digging holes, bonfires, playing with water, etc., with as few prohibitions as possible, and a wide range of people from babies and toddlers to junior high and high school students and seniors, not to mention elementary school students, have come to play.
This Gankeyama is a very spacious place, which is privately owned by the town residents. The observation deck, swings, and other playground equipment that enrich the play experience are also handmade by everyone. Since it is a very large place in the middle of nature, there are endless ways to play, such as building a secret base, making bonfires, treasure hunting, and so on.
It is the perfect place to create play.


Q What are your thoughts on "play education" and your vision for the future?

In YU-UKU, we are engaged in a variety of activities with the aim of making the world more interesting for children on their own, rather than having them be "consumers" who play in a predetermined way.
We are engaged in a variety of activities to make the world more interesting for children, not as consumers of predetermined games. I want to learn! and "I want to learn!" We would like to create a place where these feelings can be realized and the spark can grow.
We are creating an environment where children can grow up through close cooperation among the three projects of the Abira Education Plan: "Yuiku", "Abirabo", and "Kaitaku", so please feel free to visit us!

Yuiku Website
Yuiku Instagram
Youiku Facebook

Abirabo, a public cram school that supports endless learning

Abirabo" is a public cram school for 4th grade elementary school students through 3rd grade junior high school students, established as part of a project to promote regional development in the town of Adaira.
Usually, when you think of a cram school, you may imagine a tutoring school where teachers teach you what you don't understand in Japanese or arithmetic, or where everyone solves the same problems and listens to the explanations.
Abirabo, a public cram school in the town of Anping, is an "after-school class that does not teach," which is completely different from a tutoring school.
While leaving the "learning" part to school teachers, who are professionals in the field of education, Abirabo aims to create opportunities for "fun" and "interest.
Abirabo offers two types of classes: "theme classes" and "skills classes.
Theme classes are designed to broaden the world and make it more interesting by taking a familiar theme and looking at it from a different perspective. In FY2020, five classes were offered: music, sports, art, fashion, and money.


Skills classes are designed to help students acquire the ability to think and communicate through practical situations, which is necessary for school and society. In FY2020, four courses were offered in presentation studies (How to Communicate, Scenario, Slide, and Speech).


Students learn to see things from a different perspective than usual and make the world they see more interesting. Then, think and communicate while actually putting it into action. The program is designed to help children experience the joy of learning through different forms of learning at both the school and at Abirabo.
The name "Abirabo" comes from "Abira-cho" + "Lab" (an abbreviation of "laboratory"), which means that just as research is never finished, so learning is never finished.
Currently, they are accepting applications for the "Earth" theme class! If you are interested, please check it out!

Abirabo Web site
Abilabo Facebook

Kai Tak" supports people who have the courage to take on challenges.

The town of Anhira, which was severely damaged by the Hokkaido Bombei Earthquake, is showing signs of recovery, but has a mountain of major challenges ahead of it. With the belief that the future of the town of Anhira requires people to "take on challenges" with "courage," we are working to support the town's residents in their efforts to take on new challenges.
We are supporting a variety of challenges for many townspeople, from elementary school students to adults.


The "Kaitaku" project in Anping Town is looking for passionate challengers who have "something they want to do, something they want to try. We support "giving shape to ideas" by introducing various methods, such as crowdfunding on the Internet and "ABIRA Talks," a real-life crowdfunding event where small amounts of money are collected by friends and the community.


I want to create a new product, but I don't know if it will sell..."
I want to hold an event of my own idea, but I don't know how to go about it! But I don't know how to do it..."
I want to improve the town of Anhira, but I need money! But I need money.
I want to make my dream come true while I'm still in the town of Adaira! But how can I do that?
I want to make my dream come true! But I need money..."

This is a system that accompanies and supports the residents of the town in taking on such challenges and giving shape to their dreams.
The "Yuiku" and "AbiLabo" programs have nurtured children's "I want to try it! and "Interesting! and "Fun!" that have been nurtured through "Yuiku" and "Abirabo".

In this issue, we introduced the "education" initiatives that the town of Anping is focusing on.
We are very excited to see how the town supports the learning and challenges of many residents, from infants to adults, and we can imagine an interesting future for living in Anping Town!
If you are at least a little bit interested in the town of Anping, please take a look at each of these initiatives, as well as the website and SNS of the Anping Town Office.

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