The Secoma made of LEGO is amazing! What is the "too highly reproduced" store built by Lego builders?|Domingo

The Secoma made of LEGO is amazing! What is the "too highly reproduced" store built by Lego builders?




Seicomart, or Seicoma, is a convenience store that represents Hokkaido! A person who has recreated such a Seicomart using LEGO has appeared on Twitter and is creating quite a stir. How in the world was it made?

The official "I made it with LEGO" reproduction is astonishing!

The photo posted shows an unmistakable Lego-made SECOMA! The store, which has a store on the first floor and an eat-in space on the second floor, is modeled after Seicomart Yamahana 9-jo store in Sapporo. The official Seicomart store has also given its stamp of approval for its ability to reproduce the original store.

Click here for a larger photo.


The number of parking spaces and even the entrance and exit areas are faithfully reproduced. Even the white lines for parking are realistic! The atmosphere inside the store seen through the windows is also as real as it can be.

Even the backyard! The store interior has been reproduced down to the smallest detail.

The high level of perfection is not limited to the outside of the store. Let's take a peek inside the store.


The second floor

There were people relaxing in the eat-in space while taking their time to look outside. Since LEGO can place not only buildings but also people, it is fun to imagine the place as you look at it.


A view of the cash register

The bananas being sold near the cash register are something that Michinoku residents might be able to relate to with a "Yes, there are! If you are a resident of Hokkaido, you may be able to relate to the bananas sold near the cash register. The store staff's uniforms are also customized to SECOMA's specifications.


View of the first floor from above

In addition to the freezer with ice cream and the refrigerated cases where drinks are kept cold, even the product display shelves and the back yard have been faithfully reproduced.


Outdoor wall signage area

The Seicomart Yamahana 9-jo store was built by amateur LEGO builder Setaka, and Domingo editorial staff spoke with him about his passion for Seicomart and his own history with LEGO.


セコマをレゴで造ったきっかけとは<h3 class="ptn_4"> Rekindled "LEGO fever" after becoming an adult</h3> <p> Setaka first encountered LEGO in 1967, when he was 4 years old. It was a birthday present from his grandfather. He bought it on the recommendation of his grandfather, who said, "These blocks can be used for 50 years.</p><img id="24006" src="" alt="レゴ"/><p> Although he was crazy about LEGO until he was around 12 years old, he did not touch it much for a while after that. After some time passed, around 2000, he learned that there were many adults enjoying LEGO on the Internet, and his LEGO fever was rekindled.</p><img id="24007" src="" alt="レゴ"/><p> After having created many works, Mr. Setaka decided to build Sekoma this time because of a project with his LEGO friends to "build buildings along the Sapporo City Tram Line. The "Yamahana 9-jo Store" was chosen as one of the most distinctive SECOMA buildings.</p><img id="24008" src="" alt="レゴ"/><p> When creating the image, we were particular about the resolution. We wanted to reproduce the building faithfully so that anyone could see it and say, "Oh, that's the store! The project was created while adjusting the balance with the size of the LEGO dolls to faithfully reproduce the store so that anyone would be able to recognize it.</p><img id="24009" src="" alt="レゴ"/><p> The artist has visited the store many times to check the location and structure of the products, which is why he was able to create a highly realistic work of art.</p>

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