The Secoma made of LEGO is amazing! What is the "too highly reproduced" store built by Lego builders?|Domingo

The Secoma made of LEGO is amazing! What is the "too highly reproduced" store built by Lego builders?




It's not just about the sekoma! Works of art that communicate at a glance

In addition to these works, Setaka has created many other works, including the former main building of the Hokkaido Government Office (the Red Brick Building), castles, and the familiar delivery trucks.


Former Hokkaido Main Government Office Building (Red Brick Building)


Himeji Castle


Delivery truck

When asked about the future, he said, "I think I will not be too gung-ho and build a building that I like.


LEGO can be transformed into something so dreamy by assembling small blocks. We will keep an eye on Setaka's activities in the future.

Check it out as well!

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Hokkaido Sightseeing Turtle Writer Bubu-Neko

I'm "Bubaneko," a writer with many connections to Hokkaido's sights and tourist facilities. There are many wonderful resources, even the ones we take for granted when we live in Hokkaido. I will be sharing these wonderful attractions of Hokkaido with you.

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