We want to create a place where people can encounter books in a small town in Tokachi, Hokkaido with a population of 4,200!|Domingo

We want to create a place where people can encounter books in a small town in Tokachi, Hokkaido with a population of 4,200!

A space where you can relax with a sense of comfort, where you can enrich your life a little bit.

The new facility is not just a "bookstore," but a "place with books" that will make people want to visit again and again.

For example, by adding a café, we hope that residents of the town will use it for everyday purposes, and visitors will be able to learn about the delicious food around town that we plan to place in the food sundries section of the building. We also envision the space being used as a gallery and a place where small events can be held.


A place where people of any age, young or old, adults or children, locals or immigrants, can relax and enjoy the space, a place that will give them a good opportunity. We hope to create a space where their dreams for the future can come closer to reality and open up new opportunities. We also believe that contributing to the community in such a way and meeting its expectations will ultimately give the store the strength to survive.

We are challenging crowdfunding!

The building was bought and sold, not leased, with the determination to take over the land and the store, and Repelience Inc. became the owner. The building is over 50 years old. Renovating the building is more difficult than expected, but we want to take care of the old things and continue to use them with care.


The building to be a general store. Facing the Urahoro shopping street, it was originally a hardware store.

We want to create a space where people can relax with a sense of comfort, where they can enrich their lives a little bit.

We want to share the joy of a leisurely life with everyone.

We want to create a café space where people can relax in a place with books, and a store where everyone's "wants" in town can come together!

We are challenging crowdfunding to let many people know about this project. If you share our vision, we would be very happy if you could support us!

"In a small town in Tokachi, Hokkaido with a population of 4200, we want to create a place where people can meet books!"


Click here for the crowdfunding project page

Check it out as well!

Writer Profile

Repelience Co., Ltd. in charge of Hahaha Hostel / General Incorporated Association Dot-Doto Public Relations Office Manager, Kudo, Arisa

Born in Kushiro City, Hokkaido. Studied at Hosei University's Faculty of Modern Welfare in the field of community development with a focus on fieldwork. While a student, she supported the ".doto" crowdfunding campaign, which led her to become involved in the Twitter operation of Dot-Doto General Incorporated Association. After working as a corporate sales representative for a life insurance company, he made a U-turn to Doto in 2021. While managing a guesthouse "Hahaha Hostel" in Urahoro, he joined the Dot-Doto board in 2022 and is in charge of public relations, SNS, and weekly newsletter operations as the head of the public relations office. He loves listening to music.

Domingo Local TopicsDomingo

Domingo Local Topics" brings you the charms of the region through the "real voices" of local residents. The content varies from region to region, including unique local stores, student initiatives, and events created by everyone. We will bring you topics from the region that will make you feel more familiar with the local area and want to visit it.

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  3. We want to create a place where people can encounter books in a small town in Tokachi, Hokkaido with a population of 4,200!