AI-powered Digital Human Becomes TV Hokkaido's Announcer! Weather forecast and conversation with MC|Domingo

AI-powered Digital Human Becomes TV Hokkaido's Announcer! Weather forecast and conversation with MC




Television Hokkaido (TVh) has announced the appointment of an "AI digital human" using state-of-the-art AI technology as an announcer, marking the first time that an AI digital human has been appointed as an announcer for terrestrial television broadcasting in Hokkaido.

Her name is "iina.

The name of the new AI announcer is "iina. The development was jointly conducted by TVh and Nyugia Corporation, a start-up company engaged in research and development of AI technology. TVh has announced that this technology will enable it to instantly update and provide viewers with information, such as weather forecasts, which change daily in real time.


Taking charge of weather forecasting and talking with MCs

The program he will appear in is "Switchon!", an information variety show that airs every Saturday from 11:00 to 11:30 on TVh. He also talks with the program's MC. The program is an information variety show that airs every Saturday from 11:00 to 11:30 on TVh. The robot will also talk with the show's MC and "work with viewers to see if it can overcome the 'uncanny valley' of human-imitation AI challenges through the broadcast.


IINA first appeared on the air on Saturday, November 18, 2023. Depending on the content, "we will consider appointing and expanding the program to other programs in the future".

Whether or not they will be able to surpass the "uncanny valley" is attracting attention from all over the country.

TV Hokkaido (TVh) "Switchon!
Broadcast every Saturday morning from 11:00 to 11:30

Writer Profile

Web Writer Maaya Yamashita

Born and living in Hokkaido. My love of coffee led me to the world of web writing, where I have been involved in coffee media. I am best at writing articles with a soft style and a subjective viewpoint. I love to write articles connected by "like.

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