Treehouse Project" vol.3 to make the future of "play" more fun in Kamikawa-cho, Hokkaido|Domingo

Treehouse Project" vol.3 to make the future of "play" more fun in Kamikawa-cho, Hokkaido



Kamikawa Town

Hello, this is the editorial department of "Domingo", a Hokkaido news & events app! This is the editorial department of Domingo, a Hokkaido news and events app. We would like to introduce you to "Hokkaido Wind," a series of articles that will bring you the charm of life in various parts of Hokkaido based on the concept of "bringing the wind of Hokkaido to you now. In this memorable first installment, we are joined by Yohei Ueno, an outdoor producer from Kamikawa Town, Hokkaido, who is currently working on a "hands-on treehouse project" at the Sounkyo Auto Camping Ground. In this article, Vol. 3 of " Tree House Project ", we will explore the charm of Mr. Ueno, the man behind the "Tree House Project". -
Date: July 5, 2020 Method: Online event via zoom
-Previously: [vol.1] What is the "Tree House Project"? We had a virtual tour of the site and heard the full story of the "Tree House Project", including its background and current status. We also learned about Mr. Ueno's commitment to creating "hands-on" activities in the "Tree House Project".

Why did Mr. Ueno choose Kamikawa-cho?

Ryota Hattori, Domingo Editor (hereafter, Hattori ) Where are you originally from, Ueno-san? Yohei Ueno, a member of the Kamikawa Town Community Development Cooperation Team (hereinafter referred to as "Ueno" ) I am from Hyogo Prefecture. I came to Hokkaido in July of last year, and until then, I had only visited Hokkaido occasionally on trips. I like traveling, and I have been overseas as well. Hattori: So you were always moving from place to place. But now I feel like a "Hokkaido native.Ueno Ha-ha-ha, but I speak in the Kansai dialect, so maybe it is not like that. But I don't feel troubled or uncomfortable in Kamikawa! Hattori: Is there any reason why you decided "I like Kamikawa-cho! Hattori: Is there any reason why you decided to come to Kamikawa-cho?Ueno:Kamikawa has the Ice Fall Festival. I love the ice fall festival!Hattori: The Ice Fall Festival is a unique event in the world. It is an event that makes the most of the harsh natural environment.Ueno: I like harsh nature and harshness. Hattori: Hokkaido has a short summer and autumn and winter come soon.Ueno: This year, I helped with the Ice Fall Festival and dog sledding activities. I was able to help with the ice fall festival, starting from the water sprinkling, and I enjoyed watching the process of making the ice fall festival. The people working on the festival are older, so it would be more fun if there were more young people working on the festival.

Making Kamikawa a town where people have "memories for a lifetime" and "want to go home

Participant: I really sympathized with the concept of "a secret base for children! I would like to know your thoughts on this concept. Ueno: I believe that if we create "memories that will last a lifetime" for children, they will have a reason to come back to our town in the future. And I think this will be good for the town in the future. I am currently living in Hokkaido, but part of me would like to return to my hometown in Hyogo Prefecture someday. Himeji is famous for its festivals, and I want to return there every year during the festival season. I think the reason I feel that way is because I remember riding on the mikoshi when I was a child. Therefore, I think that if we can create "memories that will last a lifetime" when we are children, more people will want to return to Kamikawa Town, and that would be a good thing. Participant: People remember the places where they used to play together and think of them as their hometowns, don't they? Hattori: In Kamikawa Town, the Regional Development Cooperation Volunteers are putting a lot of effort into creating places like "playgrounds for children," aren't they? Ueno: Yes, Nukumo is one such place, and there are also people who are trying to create a forest playground. On the other hand, some people said that until now there was no place for children to play. The tree terrace is not only for children, but also for adults to sit and drink as much as they want! We have built stairs that can be climbed by grandparents as well, so anyone is welcome to come!Hattori: Now that the coronavirus has finally been eradicated in Sapporo, education in nature is being reevaluated. I hope that we have provided an opportunity to let everyone know about it online. It would be ideal if everyone could go to the next one in person and talk with Mr. Ueno! Ueno: Well, I've had a number of opportunities recently to speak with people via zoom and the like, but I'm actually not very good at it...! So I am sure we will have a lot more to talk about if you come and meet with us. Please come and visit us.

Future "Tree House Project

Hattori: I understand that everyone will be able to come visit from the end of July. Ueno There is no charge to play on the terrace without a treehouse. We are planning to charge for the assembly experience. We haven't decided on the price yet, but we are thinking between 4,000 yen and 6,000 yen per person. The terrace will be reserved for the assembly experience, so I am hoping that people will be able to play freely throughout the day. I imagine that families can take advantage of the private charter to build a treehouse, have dinner, and stay overnight at the cottage. Hattori It would be great if the children could enjoy the experience of building with you and enjoy nature. Ueno Yes, I hope they will make this a memory that will last a lifetime. Hattori Where can I find detailed information such as open days and fees? Ueno We would like to send out information from the Sounkyo Auto Camping Site website. Also, the crowdfunding site is updated as needed. Also, we would like to send out information from time to time through interviews related to the Kamikawa Town Office. Hattori: We are in the process of creating this project, so we are connecting with them online, but I think it will be featured in many things because of the attention it is getting. I am sure that information will appear in various places. Thank you very much for your wonderful talk today!


In vol. 3, Yohei Ueno, the man behind the project, talked about his passion for the project and his thoughts on Kamikawa Town. In vol.1, we asked him about the "Tree House Project", vol.2, "What is the Tree House Project", and vol.3, "The Tree House Project ". Please be sure to also read "What is the Tree House Project" (vol.1) and "Our Commitment to the Tree House " (vol.2)!


Yohei Ueno was born in 1993. Outdoor producer for the Hokkaido Kamikawa Town Regional Development Cooperation Team. Moved to Kamikawa-cho, a progressive and proactive town planning town. Currently working on a "hands-on treehouse project" to create a new tourism resource in Kamikawa Town. He is currently developing outdoor contents with the mission of creating a place to work in Kamikawa Town. facebook / twitter

Other articles in this series

"Tree House Project"
Tree House Project" vol.2 "Tree House Project" vol.2 "Tree House Project"

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