What is the "mass of kindness" in Biei, Hokkaido, that manga artist Yukari Takinami praises so highly?|Domingo

What is the "mass of kindness" in Biei, Hokkaido, that manga artist Yukari Takinami praises so highly?




Biei Town

The "Near-death! Ekoda-chan" and "Motokaremania," a manga artist from Kushiro City, Hokkaido, has been talking about a product on SNS that she recommends "you must buy when you go to Hokkaido. What is this candy that tastes like a "mass of kindness" but "most Hokkaido residents don't know about it"?

JA Viei's diced milk, the best freeze-dried raw milk and cream snack...a mass of tenderness...definitely buy it when you go to Hokkaido!

At New Chitose Airport, you can buy it at Biei Senka, and in Tokyo, you can find it at the antenna store (Marugoto Hokkaido) in Asakusa.

However, most people in Hokkaido don't know about this snack...


Quote from @takinamiyukari's post

Manga artist Yukari Takinami found "JA Biei's Dice Milk, a freeze-dried snack made from fresh milk and cream that most Hokkaido residents don't know about but you must buy when you go to Hokkaido! ٩٩٩!


Quote from @ASAKO_0000's post

Dr. Yukari Takinami raves about the "Okashi Dice Milk of the hills" from Biei Senka, a brand by JA Biei. Although not a standard souvenir, it is one that has many core fans, with comments from people who know the taste, such as "locals don't eat it but it's delicious" and "this is delicious.

I tried the "soothing tenderness" of diced milk.


When we actually purchased the product at the editorial office, we found it to be a creamy-colored square freeze-dried with a colossal appearance. It is hard to imagine the taste just from a quick glance. We were able to ask Dr. Yukari Takinami about her recommendation.

The taste and texture are gentle and light. When you taste each piece with all your might, the gentleness of the diced milk will heal your heart.

The "hillside snack Diced Milk" is a freeze-dried snack made from raw milk and cream. When you try a piece, ...... you will find it light in the mouth! It melts crispy and loosely, and the gentle sweetness spreads like after eating a rich ice cream.


Although the cubes are the size of a finger, the richness of milk is packed into each cube. It is not too sweet and is light on the palate, so you will find yourself reaching for "one more, one more, one more. It is truly a comforting and nostalgic confectionery.

Where can I buy Dice Milk?


You can buy it at "Biei Senka" in Biei-cho, New Chitose Airport, Kita Kitchen, and Seicomart depending on the store. According to Dr. Takinami's post, "Marugoto Hokkaido," an antenna store in Asakusa, also in Tokyo, carries it. If you are in the neighborhood, why not check it out?

Interviewed by Yukari Takinami

Manga artist, born in Sapporo in 1980, spent her elementary and high school years in Kushiro City. After graduating from Nihon University College of Art with a degree in photography, her contribution "Near Death! Ekoda-chan" won an award and became a serialized work, which was also adapted into an anime and TV drama series and became a hit. Other works include "Arigatte Datte Nariten Narara (If I Could Say Thank You)," a true story manga that was nominated for an Eisner Award, depicting his mother's battle with illness and nursing care, "Motokare Mania," a romantic comedy manga that was made into a TV drama, and "Harumaki Diary," an essay about raising a child. She is currently writing a serialized version of "We want a painless love life" for Kodansha's web magazine "&Sofa." After living in Sapporo from 2011 to 2021, she now lives in Tokyo.

Official website: takinamiyukari.com


実際の投稿・美瑛選果のスポット情報はこちら<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ja" dir="ltr">JA Biei's Dice Milk, the best freeze-dried raw milk and cream snack...a mass of tenderness...definitely buy it if you go to Hokkaido. <br><br>You can find it at New Chitose Airport in Biei, or in Tokyo at the antenna store in Asakusa (Marugoto</p></blockquote> It's also <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ja" dir="ltr">available at an antenna shop in Asakusa (Marugoto Hokkaido) in Tokyo. <br><br>However, most people in Hokkaido don't know about this snack... <a href="https://t.co/O1O783H4x8">pic.twitter.com/O1O783H4x8-</a></p> Yukari Takinami (@takinamiyukari) <a href="https://twitter.com/takinamiyukari/status/1750088042424291403?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 24, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ja" dir="ltr">Manga artist Yukari Takinami says "Most people in Hokkaido</p></blockquote> don't know about this <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ja" dir="ltr">snack</p></blockquote>, but they definitely want to buy it if they visit Hokkaido. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ja" dir="ltr">I found "JA Biei's Dice Milk, a freeze-dried snack made of fresh milk and cream, a mass of the best kindness, that most don't know about but must buy when you go to Hokkaido! ٩٩٩</p></blockquote>. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ja" dir="ltr"> <a href="https://t.co/n2ffBhhwlh">com/n2ffBhhwlh-</a></p> ASAKO (@ASAKO_0000) <a href="https://twitter.com/ASAKO_0000/status/1768887127826444770?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 16, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script><div class="box_stroke"> <p class="sp_img_txt spot"><span class="sp_img pin">

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