Okushiri Island is located in the southwestern part of Hokkaido, off the coast of Japan. On Okushiri Island, there is one high school with a total of 80 students. That is Okushiri High School, which attracts attention because it accepts students from all over Japan to study abroad on the island. However, there is a problem unique to a school on a remote island. That is, "expedition expenses for club activities" are higher than in other areas. Okushiri High School has a club activity, "
Okushiri Innovation Division (OID)," which solves this problem. We spoke with the members of OID, a club activity for such club activities!
Interview with OID members, let's get started!
To the members of
Okushiri High School OID, thank you for kindly accepting Domingo's interview today! We look forward to working with
you today!
First of all, let me introduce myself!

I am Kishigami, a sophomore at Okushiri High School and the head of the department! I am from Okayama Prefecture.
I originally wanted to live in a dormitory away from home, so I was looking for schools in other areas at the Regional Mirai Study Abroad Festa. Then I found an interesting person giving an interesting presentation, and I listened to what he had to say. That was the former principal, and after hearing many stories from him, I came to visit Okushiri Island and found it to be a very nice place, and it stayed in my mind for a long time. After returning to my hometown, when I was wondering which high school to go to, Okushiri Island appeared in my dream and I realized "I wanted to go to Okushiri Island so badly! I followed my dream and enrolled in Okushiri High School!

My name is Kawana and I am a first year student at Okushiri High School! I am from Sapporo.
At first I was going to go to a local high school, but my mother told me about this Okushiri High School. When I heard about Okushiri High School, I didn't have such a strong desire to go there, but after doing some research, I decided to go to Okushiri High School because it seemed to be fun and had unique classes such as scuba diving and community development. I am
glad I came to Okushiri High School! It is really fun!

My name is Hashiyata and I am a first year student at Okushiri High School and vice dean! I am from Yubari city. My
hometown was a small town, so my classmates didn't change at all in elementary and junior high school. I decided to enroll in Okushiri High School because I wanted to get used to a place where I didn't know anyone before I started working or going on to higher education, and also because I wanted to learn something fascinating that I could only learn here.
I am Hosokawa, a freshman at Okushiri High School! I am from Tokyo. I
was looking for a high school I wanted to go to on the Regional Mirai Study Abroad Platform. I
chose Okushiri High School because I thought I would be able to learn well atthis high school because of its solid learning system,
for example, Wifi Nene (reference link).
What kind of club activities is OID?

It is a club activity that earns money for expeditions, which is a disadvantage of being on an isolated island. In order to make it as easy as possible on the families, we help with the expedition expenses by making and selling our own T-shirts and sweatshirts. They plan, design, document, develop, and sell the products themselves.

When I heard that my sister was involved in similar activities as an island exchange student, I thought it sounded like a lot of fun. I thought that if I joined OID, I could do something for Okushiri High School and Okushiri Island, so I joined OID!
When I
was in junior high school, I researched Okushiri High School and learned that there were club activities that were closely related to the community. I joined Okushiri High School because I wanted to be involved in the revitalization of Okushiri High School and the promotion of club activities.
When I was a junior high school student in Yubari, I didn't have any opportunities to get involved in activities for the community or for my hometown Yubari.
WhenIfirst went to OID to experience the club activities, I found the senior members very interesting. I
joined the club because I thought, "The seniors are interesting, the activities are interesting, and it will definitely be fun if I join.
is a club that provides support for various club activities. I joined OID because I want to work in a job that requires support skills in the future, and I thought it would be a good fit for me in that aspect as well!
In this article, we introduced OID's activities and asked the club members about their thoughts on OID. Going to a high school far from your hometown was a big decision, but I could sense from every word that you are truly enjoying your high school life and club activities on Okushiri Island. In the second part of the interview, we ask about the "Okushiri Marche" project that OID will hold at Hakodate Siesta on October 31 and November 1! Please read on.
Okushiri Marche" will be held
in Hakodate!
Interview with Okushiri High School Okushiri Innovation Division [Part 2]
https://domingo.ne.jp/article/3700 Hokkaido Okushiri High School