FIELD NOTE Community" connects stores and people|Domingo

FIELD NOTE Community" connects stores and people



Kushiro City

FIELD NOTE, a local media introducing restaurants and apparel stores in the Kushiro area, launched a new initiative, FIELD NOTE Community, this November to connect stores and users.

FIELD NOTE Community[ /caption]
FIELD NOTE Community is a subscription-based community for anyone who cares about the community, including those who live in the community, those who live away from the community, and those who run stores in the community.

By joining the community, "people who live in the community" and "people who live away from the community" can receive services at stores with special privileges, access to limited original content, and free passes to the co-working space "HATOBA nishikimachi" in Nishiki-cho, Kushiro City. On the other hand, "people who run stores in the community" can create an opportunity to make their existence known through the community.

Field Note was first published in 2016 as a free paper, introducing restaurants, apparel stores, and other businesses in the Kushiro area. To date, it has covered more than 400 local stores and continues to explore and communicate the charms of the Kushiro region.

As the spread of the new coronavirus continues to affect the region, it is hoped that the new momentum for urban development will be created by connecting the stores that are responsible for the culture of the town with users through closer and more face-to-face relationships.

(Photo source: Field Note)

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