One of the three major power spots in Biei? What is the secret behind the recent popularity of Biei Shrine?|Domingo

One of the three major power spots in Biei? What is the secret behind the recent popularity of Biei Shrine?



Biei Town

Did you know that there are three major power spots in Biei that are popular among tourists? One is "Shirohige-no-taki Falls", another is "Aoi Ike (Blue Pond)", and the other is "Biei Jinja (Shrine)" introduced here.

In fact, they are sometimes referred to as Hokkaido's three major power spots along with "Hokkaido Shrine" and "Lake Toya," and have been attracting a lot of attention over the past few years. However, it seems that the secret of its popularity is not only that. ......

It takes about 10 minutes by car or bus from JR Biei Station. Biei Shrine enshrines five deities in total, including Amaterasu no Mikami, Izanagi no Kami, Izanami no Kami, and others. It is said that in 1897, Shiro Kinoshita received the spirit from his hometown in Wakayama Prefecture and built a small shrine in Ohki to enshrine it. After that, the shrine was repeatedly relocated with the development of the town, and in 1995, it was moved to its current location.
Recently, Biei Shrine has been in the news a lot, being called one of the three most important power spots in Biei, one of the three most important power spots in Hokkaido, and even featured in a certain spiritual counselor's own book. In fact, Biei Shrine attracts a lot of attention especially from young women. The reason for this can be seen as you pass through the torii gate and approach the shrine pavilion.
If you look at the upper center of the shrine building, you will see a heart mark! These heart-shaped decorations are found throughout the shrine grounds and have become popular for their photogenic appearance. It is also rumored that the more hearts you find, the more likely you are to find love. It is no wonder that young women are so fascinated with this place. The omikuji fortune is also unique. The "Ezomikuji," a type of fortune, is available only to those in the know.
Ezomikuji is a type of omikuji with motifs of local specialties, which was started by priests in various parts of Hokkaido. Biei Shrine is corn. Ezo-mikuji written in Hokkaido dialect are popular for their cute and heartwarming smile.

Biei Shrine is also filled with other attractions unique to the area, such as a red seal book decorated with the beautiful scenery of Biei. Whether you are in love or not, why not pay a visit?

Biei Shrine
Location: 4-1-1 Higashi-machi, Biei-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido
Phone: 0166-92-1891

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Hokkaido Sightseeing Turtle Writer "BUCHINEKO

I'm "Bubaneko," a writer with many connections to sightseeing spots and tourist facilities in Hokkaido. There are many wonderful resources, even the ones we take for granted when we live in Hokkaido. I will be sharing these wonderful attractions of Hokkaido with you.

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