I've been presenting "The Apple Book" to children in the "Apple Town."|Domingo

I've been presenting "The Apple Book" to children in the "Apple Town."




Yoichi Town

A very warm and slightly surreal picture book has been completed.
The name of the book is "Yasashisa Ringo.

The main character is Yukine the Rabbit (pet of "Snow Miku," a character that supports Hokkaido), who has always supported Domingo, and this picture book was created to commemorate the 8th anniversary of Yukine's naming. It went on sale on November 11, the anniversary date.

Meanwhile, when it comes to apples in Hokkaido, Yoichi Town is famous as the largest producer of apples in the prefecture! Yoichi Town has a history of successfully growing apples for the first time in Japan during the Meiji Era (1868-1912).

As a symbol of the town's apple production, the name of the roadside station includes the word "apple," and the Yoichi Tourist and Product Center "Erla Plaza" offers a wide variety of apple-related products.

(Roadside Station Space Apple Yoichi)

(Yoichi Tourist and Product Center "Erla Plaza")

The book was donated to the town nursery schools and libraries in Yoichi Town with the hope that children in Yoichi Town, which has such a deep connection with apples, would read "Yasashisa Ringo" to them!

Donation to Yoichi-machi nursery school

(Yoichi Town Central Nursery School)

(Yoichi Town Okawa Nursery School)

We visited two locations in Yoichi Town, the Yoichi-machi Chuo Nursery School and the Yoichi-machi Okawa Nursery School, to make the donation.
At the Central Nursery School, the children were given a picture book reading time by a teacher, who promptly read "Yasashisa Ringo" to them.
Some of the children who were listening to the story said it was "cute," "kind," and "interesting!
After returning to their classrooms, they read "Yasashisa Ringo" around the table and enjoyed it in various ways, such as talking about which of the Rabbits in the picture book they liked the best. At
Okawa Nursery School, we gave the book directly to the representative child, who was very happy to receive it. To our surprise, the child who helped us take pictures also had a birthday on the day of our visit!

Donation to Yoichi Town Library

We also visited Yoichi-machi Library in Yoichi-machi and gave the book to the librarian so that more people can get a copy.
Yoichi-machi Library has other picture books about apples, and "Yasashisa Ringo" was quickly added to the collection!
Yoichi Town Library celebrated its 30th anniversary on June 29 this year! Many people use the library even on weekdays, and they hold various events such as storytelling and storytelling sessions.
Please pick up a copy of "Yasashisa Ringo" and read it when you stop by.

<Yoichi Town Library>Official Site
Address: 413 Irifune-cho, Yoichi-cho, Yoichi-gun

We happened to meet the anniversary of the donation of "Yasashisa Ringo" at each place we visited this time.

If you haven't read "Yasashisa Ringo" yet, please get a copy from the Snow Miku Sky Town store or online store and read it for yourself!

<Rabbit Yukine 8th Anniversary Commemorative Picture Book "Yasashisa Ringo"> Price: 1,100 yen (tax included)
Sold at: Snow Miku Skytown stores and online store

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