There is no gym uniform" and "The length of summer and winter vacations are roughly the same.|Domingo

There is no gym uniform" and "The length of summer and winter vacations are roughly the same.




School life is full of childhood memories. But looking back later, I wonder, "Was this just Hokkaido?" But there are many times when you look back and wonder, "Was this only in Hokkaido? Here are some of the "common things in Hokkaido" at school.

No gym clothes


Children in Hokkaido do not change their clothes for gym class. In Honshu, it is common practice to change into gym clothes, but in Hokkaido, there is no concept of changing clothes. So, if you get dirty, you are out. Of course, they do not have a change of clothes with them, so if they get dirty, they borrow clothes from the infirmary to get by.

Summer and winter vacations are roughly the same number of days.


Compared to Honshu, where summer vacation is long and winter vacation is short, the number of days for summer vacation and winter vacation is almost the same in Hokkaido. There are various theories as to why this is the case, but it is because it is difficult to go to school because the roads are blocked by snow. The most likely reason is that the Ministry of Education in the old days notified the schools that snow blocked the roads and made it difficult for students to go to school.

However, even nowadays, snow sometimes blocks roads, so children are happy to have a longer winter vacation, although the summer vacation is a little shorter.

3. Shoes are free


In Hokkaido schools, basically, shoes are free. Therefore, children are free to choose any kind of shoes they like, whether they are cool or cute. Also, many children wear ordinary sneakers instead of ballet shoes. Compared to those in mainland Japan, where there are designated shoes, it may be enviable that they can enjoy fashionable footwear.

4. School bags are not used until 6th grade


In Honshu, school bags are generally used until the 6th grade. However, elementary school students in Hokkaido do not use randoseru (school bags) until almost the 6th grade.

Some backpacks are used from the 4th grade onward. By the time they reach the 6th grade, there is an atmosphere of "wearing a school bag is tacky. As a result, few children are using school backpacks anymore.

5. Pool classes are only for elementary school students


Pool classes are held in physical education classes. In the first place, Japanese schools began to offer pool classes about 60 years ago. In Honshu, students from elementary school through junior high and high school take pool classes, however! In Hokkaido, it is up to elementary school students.

There are several reasons for this, including the fact that Hokkaido is a cold region, making it difficult to maintain water temperature, and the freezing winter temperatures make it easy for pools to deteriorate. Furthermore, many schools in Honshu wear school swimsuits, but Hokkaido is free! Therefore, in the summer, students wear swimsuits of their choice to class, and it looks very glamorous.

6. School excursions may be in Hokkaido


In Hokkaido, you have to cross the sea to go to other prefectures. In the case of high school students, almost all schools go out of Hokkaido or out of Japan, but for elementary and junior high school students, school excursions are sometimes held in Hokkaido.

Those who live in Hakodate or other areas in southern Hokkaido may go to Tohoku or other places. However, many schools seem to have a problem with travel distance, and school excursions are often held within Hokkaido. I am from the east side of Hokkaido, so it takes about 8 hours by car just to go to Hakodate. Considering the distance to travel, it is probably inevitable that the school excursions are in Hokkaido.

Anyway, schools in Hokkaido are free!


From swimsuits to boots and gym uniforms, it is safe to say that there is no uniformity in the appearance of Hokkaido's schools. By the way, ski wear that children wear in winter is also free. Except for the fact that if you get them dirty during gymnastics, your day is over, Hokkaido schools with their many freedoms may be a lot of fun.

*Image is for reference only.

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Hokkaido Sightseeing Turtle Writer, Bubu Neko

I am "BUCHINEKO" who has many connections to sightseeing spots and tourist facilities in Hokkaido. There are many wonderful resources, even the ones we take for granted when we live in Hokkaido. I will be sharing these wonderful attractions of Hokkaido with you.

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