JO1 performs with a fantastic sea of clouds! Tomamu, Hokkaido, to be the stage for the fourth installment of "Hot JAPAN with JO1|Domingo

JO1 performs with a fantastic sea of clouds! Tomamu, Hokkaido, to be the stage for the fourth installment of "Hot JAPAN with JO1

Tomamu, Hokkaido was chosen as the stage for "HOT JAPAN with JO1," a project in which the global boy group JO1 serves as an ambassador to promote Japan's HOT attractions to the world. The performance, a fusion of a sea of clouds in the wilderness and traditional Japanese fireworks, has been shown on YouTube and has become a hot topic.

Tomamu, Hokkaido was selected as the stage for the fourth "HOT JAPAN with JO1" project.

HOT JAPAN with JO1," a project in which JO1 acts as an ambassador to introduce the charms of hot Japan to people in Japan and abroad, will begin in November 2022. Following the first project at Mt. Fuji and Lake Yamanaka, the second at Aomori Winter Nebuta, and the third at Himeji Castle, the fourth project, released after six months, is set in Tomamu, Hokkaido, with the full cooperation of the Hoshino Resort Tomamu.


Miraculous co-starring with the beautiful sea of clouds in Tomamu

Performed at Tomamu's synonymous "Sea of Clouds Terrace" was "Venus," the lead song from the 3rdALBUM "EQUINOX. The sea of clouds in Tomamu's wilderness is a delicate sight that appears only when weather conditions are right, such as temperature differences between day and night and wind, as well as season and terrain. Despite the low chance of the sea of clouds appearing according to the forecast at the time of the photo shoot, the sea of clouds spread out all over the area as the sun rose, and the performance of JO1 and the sea of clouds came together.

We will continue to introduce spots in Hokkaido!

All of the videos released in the past have received over 10 million views. In addition, three more "HOT JAPAN MOVIE in Hokkaido," a YouTube video in which JO1 members introduce attractive spots in Hokkaido, are scheduled to be released in the future.

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