Why are foreigners making authentic Indian curry at the Toyohirakyo Onsen, deep in the mountains of Sapporo?|Domingo

Why are foreigners making authentic Indian curry at the Toyohirakyo Onsen, deep in the mountains of Sapporo?



Sapporo City

Located deep in the mountains of Sapporo, even further away from Jozankei Onsen, Toyohirakyo Onsen has a reputation for its authentic Indian curry that is so delicious that even though it is a one-day spa facility, it has a reputation for being too delicious. Despite the fact that the hot spring water is free-flowing, there are even people who just eat the curry and leave without taking a bath.


Chicken curry (with one naan), a regular menu item, and haskap lassi made with homemade haskap

Indian curry, a specialty of Toyohirakyo Onsen, is cooked by foreigners who seem to have come to Japan from the South Asian region. Why are there so many foreigners deep in the mountains (excuse me!)? Why are there so many foreigners deep in the mountains? To find out why, we went into Toyohirakyo Onsen!

Curry is made by Nepalese staff!


The spicy aroma wafting through the restaurant is sure to whet your appetite!

125 vans, 126 vans..."
Upon entering the ONSEN Shokudo restaurant at Toyohirakyo Onsen, the call numbers for dishes were announced one after another in Japanese with just a hint of a foreign accent.


Looking at the kitchen where curry is being made, everyone seems to be from abroad!

The staff in charge of curry at the restaurant are all from Nepal.

Mr. Baba, the manager of Toyohirakyo Onsen, who greeted us, told us what was going on.

He told us that Nepalese people have long been in charge of making Toyohirakyo Onsen's famous Indian curry because their work style is more familiar to Japanese workplaces.

Moving from Susukino to deep in the mountains, people and stores alike


Why Nepalese staff in a hot spring facility surrounded by such great nature?

But why Nepalese people here? How long have they been here?
I asked a frank question.

In fact, the president of Toyohirakyo Onsen used to manage an Indian curry restaurant in Susukino with several foreign staff. He later took over management of Toyohirakyo Onsen and decided to close the Susukino restaurant in 1992 when he received approval to serve food at the onsen.

He said, "It would be a pity to send them back to their home country because of the closure of the restaurant, even though they had come to Japan with a visa and had been active. If that's the case, let's all move out of Susukino to Onsen together with our staff and the equipment to make curry!"


From Susukino to the remote and rustic atmosphere of Toyohirakyo Onsen deep in the mountains.

The reason why there is an authentic Indian curry restaurant in Toyohirakyo Onsen is because the president, who cares about his staff, made the wise decision to move the entire staff and contents of the restaurant from Susukino.


カレー一筋25年、こだわりのカレーを作り続けるブンさん<h3 class="ptn_4"> Mr. Bun has been making curry for 25 years with a passion for curry.</h3><img id="29333" src="https://domingo.ne.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/bcfb4eb4717c113262ca5142e5f5289c.jpg" alt="豊平峡温泉_ブンさん"><p class="imgcaption"> We spoke with Mr. Bun, a veteran chef who has been cooking for 25 years!</p> <p> As of December 2023, there are seven Nepalese staff members working at Toyohirakyo Onsen, some of whom are here on work visas, and others are permanent residents.</p> <p> I came here in 2009. Before that, I worked in India for 11 years making curry. When I was in India, I was thinking of going somewhere else after that, and a Nepalese friend of mine who was working at Toyohirakyo Onsen told me about a good place, and I came here. Since then, I have been staying here ever since.</p> <p> Mr. Bun spoke in very fluent Japanese about his background. He and his wife have now obtained permanent residency in Japan and are raising two children. </p><img id="29334" src="https://domingo.ne.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/7dbeb035132f359c29f6111a4a666950.jpg" alt="豊平峡温泉_カレー鍋"><p class="imgcaption"> This is a waterless curry made from a large amount of onions without using water or flour!</p> <p> He says, "Right now, I'm putting a lot of onions in here and simmering it for a long time. Then I cool it down and make the roux tomorrow morning with a mixer. The roux I made this morning is in the pot next to it.</p> <p> The curry prepared by Mr. Boon and the Nepalese staff is authentic.</p><img id="29335" src="https://domingo.ne.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/5a683b0cf47f75bb2a4d1228257dbf0f.jpg" alt="豊平峡温泉_チーズナン"><p class="imgcaption"> The restaurant also sells naan by itself, as well as several varieties of naan with different arrangements, such as cheese naan.</p> <p> The naan served with curry is baked in a custom-built ceramic tandoor oven, which can only be produced in two places in Japan, so it has an exquisite crispy outside and fluffy inside! The crispy outside and fluffy inside are exquisite!</p> <h3 class="ptn_4"> The curry is authentic! The hot spring water is also of excellent quality!</h3><img id="29336" src="https://domingo.ne.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/1f311faa367adf05a8225aa43562e52f.jpg" alt="豊平峡温泉_チキンマサラ"><p class="imgcaption"> Chicken Masala, a combination of onion-based and tomato-based curry, is a popular dish.</p> <p> The curry served at Toyohirakyo Onsen has competed with the best in Susukino, which is crowded with many restaurants, and originally comes from Nepal and North India. This is why, despite being a day spa facility located deep in the mountains, there is a steady stream of customers who come to eat curry every day of the week.</p><img id="29327" src="https://domingo.ne.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/82982cb210e773f6323f8bf951bbd51c.jpg" alt="豊平峡温泉_夜の露天風呂"><p class="imgcaption"> In winter, the snow-viewing open-air bath is the best!</p> <p> It is understandable that some people do not take a bath in the hot spring but just eat curry and go home. The hot spring water is also free-flowing and moisturizes your skin, making it a must-see. You can enjoy the hot spring along with curry! No, curry with onsen!</p> <div class="box_stroke"> <p class="sp_img_txt spot"><span class="sp_img pin">

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