What's going to happen to me? The hospitality of the "legendary inn" on Japan's northernmost remote island is just too much!|Domingo

What's going to happen to me? The hospitality of the "legendary inn" on Japan's northernmost remote island is just too much!

Rebun Island, Japan's northernmost island, is located 60 km west of Wakkanai City in Hokkaido. The "shocking sight" seen by a visitor to a certain inn on the island has become a topic of conversation on SNS.

I came to Rebun Island.
I stayed at Momoiwa-so because I wanted to see something scary, but I didn't know it was a welcome... It's already started... What's going to happen to me... (shudder)

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Quote from @RcSlWCk39cjhHVx's post

A man waving a flag in heroic form greeted the ferry, and on social networking sites people commented, "I feel a little fear," "What is he doing?" and "I miss it" and "Welcome back" were some of the comments. What is this all about? We interviewed the owner of the post, Mr. Yamatoya.

Welcome to the legendary "Momo-iwa-so" inn


Momoiwasou, a youth hostel on Rebun Island, Japan's northernmost remote island.

The true identity of the "Momo-iwa-so" youth hostel, located on the west coast of Rebun Island, welcomes you. Yamatoya-san, who visited the island during his round-the-island trip in Japan, heard a rumor that there was a "bad inn" and decided to stay at the youth hostel "Momo-iwa-so" just to see something scary. This flamboyant flag-waving was staged by the staff welcoming guests who had landed on the island.

This view right after getting out of the hostel is too much for words!

Quote from @RcSlWCk39cjhHVx's post

The reason why Momiwa-so is famous, not to mention the spectacular view from the inn, is its sincere hospitality. Starting with an all-out welcome, and ending with a social event in the evening where guests are invited to sing and dance, the many unique events at Momo-iwa-so give the guests a sense of togetherness and warmth.


The famous "meeting" social gathering

We asked Mr. Yamatoya about his impressions of Momoyama-so.

When I first arrived, I was told "Welcome home! I thought I had come to an extraordinary place... but as I experienced it, I was impressed by the way they do their best to entertain guests and make them laugh, and now I am captivated.

Momiwa-so's hospitality is full of love and makes travelers fall in love with it. Why not experience it for yourself when you visit Rebun Island?

Interview supported by Yamatoya.
X: @RcSlWCk39cjhHVx

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