A corgi dives into that soft cheese steamed cake! It was so cute that 250,000 likes said, "I just want to look at this kind of thing.
Hokkaido Cheese Steamed Cake, always seen in supermarkets, depicts the shape of Hokkaido. In fact, a plush toy appeared in November 2023 and became popular for its soft touch and cuteness. A video of a dog who loves such a stuffed cheese steamed cake is too cute to be true.
I've been riding the cheese steamed cake for 2 months now, and I think it might be the most beautiful ride I've ever had... and he (the dog) doesn't look too happy about it either.

Quote from @komachiaya_'s post
A corgi dives into a cushion with a leaping leap! The cushion is so soft that you can almost hear the "mohumph" sound, and the dog's enraptured expression on its face looks very comfortable. The response was overwhelming, with over 250,000 likes.
In response to a request for a sandwich with a stuffed animal behind it, a photo of a large and small cheese steamed cake was posted, which also received more than 50,000 likes.
Sandwiched 👍.

Quote from @komachiaya_'s post.
Fateful encounter! Komachi and Hokkaido cheese steamed cake cushion
Komachi, the corgi in the video, is very fond of this cushion. How did they come across each other? We asked her owner, Aya.
When I learned that the Hokkaido Cheese Steamed Cake Cushion (the smaller one) was on sale, I had no hesitation in buying it because the pattern on the back of Komachi's head resembles that of Hokkaido.

The back of its head resembling the northernmost tip of Hokkaido
My walk with Hokkaido Cheese Steamed Cake started with walking around with the smaller cushion in my mouth. Sometimes I used it as a pillow, sometimes I swung it around... I spent time with Cheese Steam Cake and I posted a picture of it every day.

Cushion (small) with a pillow
Six months passed, and I won a prize for a large cushion in a raffle. When the big cheese steamed cake came, Komachi's joy was beyond my imagination. There is no reason not to love it.

Komachi napping on the cushion (large)
This "super giant plushie" is a very rare item that only three campaign winners can have! We wonder if Komachi-chan's love for the Cheese Steam Cake Cushion was realized......Please take a peek at the daily posts on the X account to see how Komachi-chan is absorbed in the cushion and be healed.
Interviewed by @Komachi@Aya
X: @komachiaya_
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