What is the history behind "Candle Rock" standing in the blue sea of Yoichi!|Domingo

What is the history behind "Candle Rock" standing in the blue sea of Yoichi!



Yoichi Town

Driving on Route 229 along the Sea of Japan as you enter Yoichi from the Sapporo and Otaru areas, you will see a mysterious rock. It stands straight up from the surface of the sea, as if it has been pierced from the sky into the sea. This is the "Candle Rock" of Yoichi, and it is said to be so old that it appears in a Hokkaido folk tale. There are many mysteries about candle rocks, but let's try to get to the bottom of them as best we can.

Actually, it is not known in detail how long Candle Rock has stood there. According to an old tale, it has been there since once upon a time when only gods existed. Therefore, it was once revered as something sacred. Incidentally, it was named "Candle Rock" a little later, and its elongated shape, as well as the tip of the rock, looks like a flame.
The candle rock is located about 500 meters offshore of Toyohama Town and is over 40 meters high. When you actually look at it, you can certainly feel the presence of a divine solitary being. However, it was not always this way, and a photograph taken in 1928 shows that it was twice as thick as it is now.

In fact, candlesticks are made of a substance called hyaloclastite, which is formed when lava cools in water and is extremely brittle. Therefore, the Shakotan Peninsula Earthquake of 1940 caused a vertical crack in the rock, and one side of the crack collapsed in the earthquake that occurred the following year.
It was not until 1958 that candle rocks began to attract attention. With the opening of the national highway, many non-local visitors came to the area and it became a popular tourist spot. In addition, a photograph of the moment when the morning sun shines on the candle rock has become a topic of conversation because it looks as if the rock is really on fire.

(Photo by Yoichi Tourist Association)

The time of year when this photo can be taken is around mid to late May and the end of July to early August. The shooting point is on the beach at the Banai Fishing Port between the Taki no Ma Tunnel and Toyohama Tunnel on Route 229.
Conditions are quite limited, but those who are interested should give it a try. Above all, the candle-like sight of candle rocks must be deeply etched in your memory with great pictures.

<Cooperation for this report
Yoichi Tourist Association
Location: 8-4 Kurokawa-cho, Yoichi-cho, Yoichi-gun, Hokkaido
Phone: 0135-22-4115
Official website: https://www.yoichi-kankoukyoukai.com

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Hokkaido Sightseeing Turtle Writer Bubu-Neko

I'm "Bubaneko," a writer with many connections to Hokkaido's sights and tourist facilities. There are many wonderful resources, even the ones we take for granted when we live in Hokkaido. I will be sharing these wonderful attractions of Hokkaido with you.

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