You have to know it to lose it! Hokkaido Tourism Discount Campaign Summary - Central Hokkaido! January 2022 Edition|Domingo

You have to know it to lose it! Hokkaido Tourism Discount Campaign Summary - Central Hokkaido! January 2022 Edition



Central Hokkaido

In addition to the travel discount campaigns offered throughout the country, there are a number of unique regional promotions throughout Hokkaido. In addition to lodging, you can also enjoy discounts on winter activities and prized gourmet foods.

It is a shame to find out about them after your trip is over! To avoid disappointment after your trip is over, we have compiled a list of special offers in the four areas of Central Hokkaido, Southern Hokkaido, Northern Hokkaido, and Eastern Hokkaido.

Please take this opportunity to relax and enjoy Hokkaido in winter.

( Click here for information on travel discount promotions in areas other than Central Hokkaido!)

We Love Sapporo Lodging Campaign (Sapporo City)

(cited from the official We Love Sapporo lodging campaign website)

The city of Sapporo is offering an advance purchase of 5,000 yen worth of lodging for 2,000 yen to residents of Hokkaido! In addition, a coupon worth 2,000 yen is also distributed to those who stay at the hotel using the advance purchase.

Advance sales period: Until the end of sales of allotment at each facility
Reservation Period: Until February 28, 2022 (Monday)
Advance sales period: Until check-out on March 1, 2022 (Tuesday)
Eligibility: Residents of Hokkaido
Advance purchase of "Advance purchase of accommodation" with a face value of 5,000 yen! Advance purchase of 5,000 yen face value is sold for 2,000 yen.
Advance purchase of 5,000 yen face value for 2,000 yen! Advance purchase of 5,000 yen face value for 2,000 yen.

For details, please check the official website.
We Love Sapporo Lodging Campaign" official website

Come on! Sapporo Stay and Smile Campaign in Winter (Sapporo City)

(Citation: "Come on! Sapporo Stay and Smile Campaign in Winter" official website)

The city of Sapporo is offering the "Come on! Sapporo Winter Discount" plan, you can get a 5,000 yen discount on accommodation fees! In addition, a coupon worth 2,000 yen, which can be used for cabs, rental cars, etc. in Sapporo, is also offered.

Eligible period: March 1, 2022 (Tuesday) until the check-out date.
Eligibility: Guests who stay at an eligible facility with a "SaaSapporo Winter Discount" plan of 6,000 yen or more.
■ Contents
・5,000 yen discount from the room rate per person per night
・ 2,000 yen worth of "Smile Coupon" per person per night will be given as a present

Please check the official website for details.
Come on! Sapporo "Stay overnight and get a smile" Campaign in winter" official website

Come to Jozankei Anywhere Coupon" (Sapporo)

(cited from "Jozankei Tourist Association" official website)

A "anywhere coupon" worth 3,000 yen is given to those who stay at a hotel or ryokan within Jozankei! This coupon can be used at most facilities in the Jozankei area, including lodging, day-trip bathing, restaurants, souvenir stores, stores, and leisure facilities.

Period: Until Monday, January 31, 2022
Eligible persons: Guests staying at hotels and inns in Jozankei with room rates of 7,000 yen or more
Contents: Coupon worth 3,000 yen per person per night

Please check the official website for details.
Jozankei Tourist Association official website

More Overnight Maru, Otaru. (Otaru City)

(cited from "Otaru City" official website)

Otaru City offers a discount of up to half off the accommodation fee for those who use eligible facilities! In addition, first-come, first-served customers will receive a "More Otaru Sightseeing Gift Certificate," a gift certificate worth 2,000 yen that can be used at any store registered for use in Otaru City.

Period: Until Monday, February 28, 2022
■Contents: *Details of eligible dates and discount amounts vary for each accommodation facility, so please check the official website for details.

Please check the official website for details.
Otaru City" official website

Chitose Discount (Chitose City)

(citation: "Chitosewari" official website)

Chitose City offers a discount of 5,000 yen off the accommodation fee for those who use eligible facilities! In addition, you will receive a "Chitose Yumaku Coupon" which can be used at participating restaurants in the city.

Period: Until check-out on January 31, 2022 (Monday)
5,000 yen discount per person per night
2,000 yen discount on meals per person per night.
Please check the official website for special plans for "Chitose-wari" at each facility.
Please check the official website for details. Please check the official website for the start date of the program.

Please check the official website for details.
Chitosewari " official site

Zawawari" (Iwamizawa City)

(cited from "Iwamizawa City" official website)

Iwamizawa City offers half-price rates for designated activity experiences! A variety of experience menus are available.

Eligible period: Until March 31, 2022 (Thursday)
Eligibility: Residents in Japan
■Content: Half off the activity experience fee
*Occupancy product support has ended.

▼For details, please check the official website.
Iwamizawa City" official website

Stay and Support! Bibai Discount" (Bibai City)

(citation: "Stay and Support! Bibaiwari" official website)

Bibai City sells discount lodging coupons that can be used over a long period of time! By purchasing a "lodging future ticket" with no set date of stay, you can get a discount of up to 5,000 yen within the applicable period of use, and you will also receive a coupon worth 2,000 yen.

Sales period: Until February 28, 2022 (Monday)
Period of validity: [1st] until March 31, 2022 (Thursday) / [2nd] from April 1, 2022 (Friday) to March 31, 2023 (Friday)
Coupons will be distributed until check-in on March 15, 2022 (Tuesday)
Eligibility: Anyone
*Coupons will be distributed to Bibai City residents and new or former members of the "Furusato Bibai Ouendan" (Hometown Bibai Cheering Squad).
Half-price discount (up to 5,000 yen) for one person per night.
Coupon present worth 2,000 yen

Please check the official website for details.
Stay and Support! Vibeibaiwari" official website

Sunflower Discount" (Hokuryu Town)

(cited from the Hokuryu Town portal)

Hokuryu-cho offers a discount of up to 5,000 yen off lodging rates at designated lodging facilities!

Sales period: First 1,000 arrivals
■Content: Half-price discount per person per night (maximum 5,000 yen)

▼For details, please check the official website
Hokuryu Town Portal

Niseko Town Tourism Premium Gift Certificate" (Niseko Town)

(cited from "Niseko Resort Tourism Association" official website)

Niseko Town is selling premium gift certificates for 5,000 yen, which can be used for 6,000 yen for tourists! The coupons can be used for eating, drinking, lodging, souvenir purchases, and outdoor experiences.

Eligible period: Sunday, January 30, 2022
Eligible persons: Residents outside Niseko Town
■Contents: 6,000 yen gift certificate for 5,000 yen

Please check the official website for more details.
Niseko Resort Tourism Association official website

Shimamakiwari" (Shimamaki Village)

(cited from "Shimamaki Village" official website)

Shimamaki Village offers a discount of 2,000 yen off the accommodation fee for using eligible accommodation facilities!

Eligible period: Until Monday, February 28, 2022 (check-out)
■Eligible persons: Residents of Hokkaido
■Details: 2,000 yen discount per night when you spend 5,000 yen or more per night

▼For details, please check the official website
Shimamakimura" official website

Please come again! Iwanai ni! Campaign" (Iwanai Town)

(Reference: "Iwanai-cho Tourism Portal Site" official website)

Iwanai-cho will present a coupon worth 3,000 yen that can be used at participating stores in the town for those who use accommodations in the designated area! In addition, 300 people will be selected by lottery to win Iwanai-machi's specialty processed marine products by answering a questionnaire.

Period of validity: Until February 28, 2022 (Monday)
Valid until March 6, 2022 (Sunday)
Target: Only residents outside of Iwanai-cho are eligible to take the survey.
■ Contents
The survey is open to residents living outside of Iwanai-cho! Coupon" present
・A questionnaire survey will be conducted exclusively for those who stay at accommodation facilities outside of Iwanai Town, and 300 people will be selected by lottery to receive Iwanai Town's specialty "processed marine products" as a present.

Please check the details from the official website.
Iwanai-cho Tourism Portal Site" Official Website

Fukagawa Special Discount" (Fukagawa City)

Fukagawa City offers a discount of up to 20,000 yen per person when spending 4,000 yen (including tax) or more per person for food and beverages at registered restaurants in the city!

■Eligible period: Until February 20, 2022 (Sunday)
*Presently on temporary hiatus. Please check the official website for resumption.
Eligible persons: Group of 6 or more people spending 4,000 yen (including tax) or more per person on food and beverage.
Details: 40% discount from the amount spent on food and beverage (up to 20,000 yen)

▼For details, please check the official website.
Fukagawa-cho" official website

Shin Totsukawa Discount" (Shin Totsukawa Town)

Shin Totsukawa Town offers the "Shintotsukawa Wari" lodging discount plan, which provides up to a 50% discount for each lodging facility in town!

Period: Until March 15, 2022 (Tuesday)
Eligible persons: Guests staying at eligible accommodation facilities
■Contents: Accommodation plans with discounts of up to 50% are available for each of the eligible accommodation facilities.

▼For details, please check the official website.
Shin Totsukawa Town" official website

Some campaigns may end in limited quantities or may be suspended depending on circumstances, so please be sure to check the official website before making an enjoyable travel plan.

In addition to the infection control measures set forth by the national government and Hokkaido, there are also many places that have taken their own local measures, so each of you should take precautions to prevent infection and create wonderful memories!

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