Mikasa Geopark Study Session 2025(Mikasa City)| Domingo

Mikasa Geopark Study Session 2025

Date and Time


・1st Marine Environmental Studies - Unraveling the Earth's past and future from the ocean -: Sunday, February 9th, 10:00-11:30
・2nd session: History of Ishikari Coalfields and Mikasa City as seen from the Geopark: Sunday, March 2nd, 10:00-11:30

We will hold a study session where you can learn about Mikasa Geopark and the attractions of Mikasa.

Capacity: 50 people
・Application: On the day

■1st session: Marine Environmental Studies - Unraveling the past and future of the Earth through the ocean -
During the Cretaceous period 100 million years ago, when ammonites lived, Mikasa City was underwater. What was the environment like in the Cretaceous sea? In this study session, we will introduce the latest information on paleo-oceanic environments, from fossil research to modern oceanographic surveys, and explain the state of the sea at that time, the similarities with the present, and the future of the global environment that can be derived from these.
・Lecturer: Mayuko Domae (Researcher and Curator, Mikasa City Museum)
Date and time: Sunday, February 9th, 10:00-11:30

■Part 2: The history of the Ishikari Coalfield and Mikasa City as seen from the Geopark
The Sorachi region is home to the Ishikari coalfield, Japan's largest coalfield, and once flourished as one of the leading coal mining regions. Mikasa was at the center of the history of coal mining development. The history of coal mining in Hokkaido began with the discovery of high-quality coal, and this history is closely related to geo (the earth). We will introduce the Ishikari coalfield and the history of Hokkaido's modernization (coal, iron and steel, port) from the perspective of geo, and explain why high-quality coal was mined in Sorachi.
・Lecturer: Sota Kamiguchi (Researcher and Curator, Mikasa City Museum)
Date and time: Sunday, March 2nd, 10:00-11:30




Mikasa City Community Center Meeting Room No. 3

Summary citation element: 三笠ジオパーク

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