A winter tradition in Hokkaido! 14 spots to experience wakasagi (smelt) fishing|Domingo

A winter tradition in Hokkaido! 14 spots to experience wakasagi (smelt) fishing

Wakasagi fishing is a very popular winter recreational activity in Hokkaido! The best part of wakasagi fishing is drilling holes in the ice on frozen lakes and marshes, dropping a fishing line in the great snowfield as far as the eye can see, and enjoying a delicious meal on the spot. In this issue, we will introduce 14 recommended spots in Hokkaido for experiencing wakasagi fishing!

SPOT 1. Lake Kanayama (Minami Furano Town)


Lake Kanayama is an artificial lake created by the Kanayama Dam, a dam located in the uppermost reaches of the Sorachi River. Camping and canoeing can be enjoyed around the lake, and in winter, when the lake is completely frozen over, it is a popular place for ice fishing for wakasagi (smelt). The lake is also a popular spot for anglers throughout the year, as it is famous for its abundance of fish and the presence of the "phantom fish" Itou.

Dates: Usually from mid-December to mid-March
■Fee: Free (non-administered)
■Venue:Kanayama, Minamifurano-cho, Sorachi-gun
Click here for details and map information of "Lake Kanayama

SPOT 2 Lake Shinotsu (Shinshinotsu-mura)


Lake Shinotsu is equipped with a covered fishing shed, making it easy to enjoy wakasagi fishing even on snowy days. After enjoying fishing, you can take a bath at the adjacent "Michi-no-Eki Tappu-no-Yu" (Roadside Station Tappu-no-Yu), which will keep your body warm even after a cold day. For those who dine at the restaurant inside the museum, they can have their caught wakasagi tempura cooked for them.

Dates: Saturday, January 6, 2024 - early March, 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fee: Junior high school students and older: 2,800 yen on weekdays (3,000 yen on weekends and holidays) / Elementary school students: 1,500 yen / Preschoolers: 800 yen
Venue: Lake Shinotsu, Shinshinotsu-mura, Ishikari-gun
Click here for details and map information of "Shinotsu-ko Wakasagi Fishing".

SPOT 3 Onuma National Park (Nanae Town)


Considered one of the oldest nature parks in Japan, Onuma National Park is not only a place to appreciate nature such as cherry blossoms and autumn leaves, but also a popular spot for wakasagi fishing in winter. Fishing equipment is available for rent, so you can easily enjoy fishing without any equipment.

Dates: Saturday, January 6, 2024 - mid-March, 7:00 - 16:00
Fees: *Fees vary depending on the plan, so please inquire with the plan provider.
Venue: Onuma National Park, Nanae-cho, Kameda-gun
Click here for details and map information of Onuma National Park.

SPOT 4 Lake Abashiri (Ozora Town)


Lake Abashiri, a brackish lake connected to the Sea of Okhotsk through the Abashiri River, has the largest catch of wakasagi in Hokkaido. Some plans include fishing equipment, so you can easily experience wakasagi fishing without any equipment. This is one of the best spots in Hokkaido where wakasagi that have gone down to the sea come back up, making it possible to catch large wakasagi (10 cm or more in length).

Dates:January 5, 2024 (Fri.)~Mid-March 8:30~16:00
Fee: Junior high school students and older: 900 yen / Elementary school students: 450 yen / Children under elementary school age: free
Venue: Special venue on Lake Abashiri
Click here for details and map information of "Lake Abashiri Wakasagi Fishing".

SPOT 5 Lake Akan (Kushiro City)


There is a fully iced-over fishing point right in front of a row of hotels in a hot spring resort area, making it easy to experience fishing while sightseeing or for other purposes. For first-time visitors, the staff will carefully guide you on how to fish. After enjoying fishing, you can taste delicious tempura with freshly caught wakasagi. Another attraction is the abundance of winter activities available on the ice, such as banana boating and snowmobiling.

Dates: Saturday, January 20, 2024 - late March, 8:00 - sunset
Fee: 1,650 yen per set (includes fishing tackle and fishing fee)
Venue: Aisland Akan, 4-5-10, Akanko-onsen, Akan-cho, Kushiro City
Click here for details and map information of Lake Akan (Aisland Akan)

SPOT 6 Lake Tangji (Shibecha Town)


Surrounded by marshland and wilderness, Lake Tangji is a natural lake with a rich natural environment. You can cook the caught wakasagi in the facility, so you can eat them fried while they are still fresh. If you are lucky, you may see red-crowned cranes and deer. This is also a popular spot for viewing the mysterious natural phenomenon "Goshinmatari," which is formed when the frozen lake surface cracks and the ice rises up.

Dates: Friday, January 5, 2024 - Sunday, March 10, 2024, 9:00 - 15:30
Admission: Adults 1,000 yen / Children 500 yen
Venue: Tangji Plain, Shibecha Town, Kawakami-gun
Click here for details and map information of "Lake Tangji Wakasagi Fishing".

SPOT 7 Lake Shumarinai (Horokanai Town)


Shumarinai Lake, located in one of the heaviest snowfall areas in Hokkaido, is one of the most popular spots for wakasagi fishing in northern Hokkaido. You may encounter breathtakingly beautiful scenery, such as the sun pillars that the sun appears to form and diamond dust that sparkles on the surface of the lake amidst a blanket of snow.

Dates: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 - Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 6:00 - 16:00
Fee: 1,300 yen for a one-day pass (half-price for elementary and junior high school students, free for infants)
Venue: Shumarinai, Horokanai-cho, Uryu-gun
Click here for details and map information of "Lake Shumarinai Wakasagi Fishing".

SPOT 8 Lake Oketo (Okito Town)


You can experience wakasagi fishing, a style of fishing in which you fish through holes drilled in the frozen lake. Wakasagi grown in the clean water of Lake Oketo are small in size but have a great taste and are excellent when tempura is served. It is also a popular bird-watching spot.

Dates: December 29, 2023 (Friday) - March 3, 2023 (7:00 - 16:00)
Fee: 700 yen per person for cooperation / 3,000 yen for those who plan to visit more than 5 times during the period
Venue: Lake Oketo, Tsunemoto, Okito Town, Tokoro-gun
Click here for details and map information of "Lake Oketo: Wakasagi Fishing (Okito Town)

SPOT 9 Sunagawa Oasis Park (Sunagawa City)


At Oasis Park, where various recreational activities can be enjoyed year-round, visitors can try their hand at wakasagi (smelt) fishing from January to February, which attracts many people from inside and outside of Hokkaido. Visitors can learn how to put on bait and how to fish, so even first-timers can feel at ease. Wakasagi tasting is also available. In spring, visitors can see swans, which are popularly known as "the messengers of spring to the north.

Dates:January 28 (Sun) to February 29 (Thu), 2024, 7:00 am to 4:30 pm
Admission: Free
Venue: Sunagawa Oasis Park, 8-2-6 Minami, Nishi 3-jo, Sunagawa City
Click here for details and map information of Sunagawa Oasis Park (Sunagawa City)

SPOT 10 Bessanbegawa (Atsukishi Town)


You can enjoy wakasagi (Japanese pond smelt) fishing at Bessanbegyo River in winter as a tour including tools and clean-up. There are guides who will teach you how to fish, so first-timers don't need to worry. Another attractive point is that you can eat the caught wakasagi as tempura on the spot with original oyster soy sauce or oyster salt.

Dates: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 - Sunday, March 10, 2024, 10:00 - 12:30
Fee: ¥5,500 for junior high school students and older / ¥4,500 for children 5 years old and older
Venue: Atsugishi-gun, Atsugishi-cho, Suminoe 2-2, Atsugishi Ajijikan Terminal, Conchiglie
Click here for details and map information of "Wakasagi Fishing Experience Tour in Bessanbegawa (Atsugishi-cho )

SPOT 11 Lake Poroto (Shiraoi Town)


Wakasagi (smelt) fishing is one of the most popular winter activities at Lake Poroto. You can bring your own tent so you can enjoy fishing at your leisure, and if you bring your own cooking equipment, you can enjoy fresh wakasagi dishes right on the spot where you caught them. Rental equipment such as drilling tools, fishing rods, and chairs are also available for those who do not have their own equipment.

Date and time: January 16, 2024 (Tuesday) - early March (scheduled) 8:00 - 16:00
Fee:Junior high school students and older: 800 yen / Elementary school students: 400 yen
Venue: Lake Poroto, Shiraoi-cho, Shiraoi-gun
Click here for details and map information of "Lake Poroto Wakasagi Fishing (Shiraoi Town)

SPOT 12 Lake Sakuraoka (Kenbuchi Town)

桜岡湖 ワカサギ釣り

Lake Sakuraoka, a quiet lake with abundant seasonal nature, offers wakasagi (smelt) fishing in winter. Fishing rods, bait, drills, etc. can be rented at the adjacent Kenbuchi Onsen Lakeside Sakuraoka, making it easy for first-time wakasagi anglers. A hot spring bath after fishing is also an enjoyable experience.

Dates: Saturday, January 6, 2024 - Monday, February 12, 2024, 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fee: Free of charge *Fishing equipment rental fee not included
Venue: Kenbuchi Onsen Lakeside Sakuraoka, 5141 Higashi-machi, Kenbuchi Town
Click here for details and map information of "Lake Sakuraoka Wakasagi Fishing (Kenbuchi Town)

SPOT 13 Holoka Yantou (Taiki Town)


Many anglers come to Horokayanto every winter to fish for wakasagi (smelt) at Horokayanto, where the release of wakasagi eggs by the Taiki Fishing Cooperative Association takes place. The sight of "hole fishing," in which anglers make a hole in the ice surface, drop a fishing line, and wait for a unique bite, is one of Hokkaido's wintertime traditions. It is recommended to eat the whole wakasagi you catch as tempura or deep fried.

Dates: Saturday, December 30, 2023 - late February 8:00 - 16:00
Fee: Junior high school students and older: 700 yen / Elementary school students: 300 yen / Infants: free
Venue: Bansei, Taiki Town, Hiroo-gun
Click here for details and map information of "Horokayanto Wakasagi Fishing (Taiki Town)

SPOT 14 Nishiki Onuma Park (Tomakomai City)


Nishiki-Onuma Park is a place of recreation and relaxation for many Tomakomai citizens. In winter, visitors can fish for wakasagi (smelt) in a portion of Nishiki Onuma. Wakasagi fishing while enjoying the view of Mt. Tarumae is so exceptional that you will forget the coldness of winter.

Dates: Thursday, February 1, 2024 - early March, 7:00 - 17:00
Fee: Free of charge
Venue: 501-6 Nishikioka, Tomakomai City
Click here for details and map information on Nishiki Onuma Park Wakasagi Fishing (Tomakomai City)

All information is current as of January 2024.
All information is subject to change after that, so please check the official website for details.

Please check the official website for details!

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