A hidden message on the town hall's "404 error page"!? Uncovering the mystery of the error page in Aibetsu Town, Hokkaido|Domingo

A hidden message on the town hall's "404 error page"!? Uncovering the mystery of the error page in Aibetsu Town, Hokkaido



Aibetsu Town

Aibetsu Town is bustling with mushrooms and the discovery of Hokkaido stone

As stated on the error screen, Aibetsu Town is very famous as the "mushroom village." In addition, it is one of the areas where the world's first "luminescent mineral" "Hokkaido stone" was discovered, and you can see "Hokkaido stone" up close at the Aibetsu Town Hall.


Aibetsu Town is number one in Hokkaido for the production of Enoki and Nameko mushrooms, and number two for Maitake mushrooms.

Hokkaido Stone

"Hokkaido stone" shines beautifully when exposed to ultraviolet light

Furthermore, as a town that is proactive in raising children, the town offers a wide range of support for children, including "Happy Bone" fireworks, where all townspeople celebrate the birth of a child, and the "Your Chair Project," where handmade chairs are given to children with the wish that "Your place is here." In addition, the town is rich in many attractions, including the large "Mushroom Village Festival," which is held every year on the second Sunday of September and attracts over 7,000 people.

If seeing this error screen full of Aibetsu love piques your interest in Aibetsu Town, then be sure to come and check it out!

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Hokkaido Tourism Camera Writer Team Buchineko

Team Buchi Neko has many connections to Hokkaido's tourist spots and facilities. There are many wonderful resources in Hokkaido that we take for granted when we live there. We will spread the word about the charms of this wonderful Hokkaido.

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