Enjoy a relaxing time surrounded by retro furniture and accessories. Cafe Jorro" in Otogi Town is a nostalgic old private house café.|Domingo

Enjoy a relaxing time surrounded by retro furniture and accessories. Cafe Jorro" in Otogi Town is a nostalgic old private house café.

Passing through a residential area in Otogari-cho, not far from Obihiro, you will reach "cafe Jorro" marked by its red retro roof. Cafe Jorro is a famous Tokachi café that will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2023. It was created by renovating a 60-year-old old house nestled in the woods. The name "cafe Jorro" was chosen with the idea of "planting trees and watering them" so that squirrels will come back to visit the woods behind the house, which are now gone.

Renovated from a 60 year old private house.

cafe jorro

When you enter the store, you will see retro cameras, joro ornaments, and a lot of antique furniture. All are cute and relaxing. The owner, Mr. Nakayama, is a travel enthusiast who has been to India. It is fun to read the books in the store that give a glimpse of her love of travel, and just looking out the window at the scenery is relaxing as well.

cafe jorro

Cute furniture that she has collected little by little through various connections. It's hard to decide which seat to take!

cafe jorro

From one-seater to four-seater seating, we have something for every occasion.

This is a great place to talk with friends, go as a couple, or just enjoy yourself, but it is also recommended to go alone. Listening to relaxing music and surrounded by good old furniture and cutlery made by artists, you will feel that time spent relaxing alone is luxurious and will make you think, "This is the kind of moment I wanted.

cafe jorro

The bookshelf at the entrance of the store is lined with books of interest.

Red, white, and black. Three kinds of soup curry to choose from.

Don't underestimate the food. We are proud of our three types of soup curry. You can enjoy a refreshing tomato-based red curry, a rich squid ink-flavored black curry, and a white curry made with Tokachi milk. You can choose between rice and naan, as well as the amount of rice and spiciness. Mr. Nakayama says he has always loved curry, and the curry he makes is an original combination of many things. His skills from working at soba noodle restaurants and curry shops, as well as his travel experience in India and other countries, can be seen everywhere.

cafe jorro

Black Curry (Black Shrimp and Vegetable)" 1,300 yen, just the right amount of spiciness, about medium-hot at 1

Black Curry is a nourishing curry with a broth made from kombu (kelp) and bonito, and is a solid application of the experience gained from working at a soba noodle restaurant. It is light, but the taste is rich and flavorful. There are three types of curry: red, black, and white, so please try them and see which one you like best.

Pancakes, coffee, and chai. Everything is delicious at this café!

Have you ever had the experience that when the lunch is good, the sweets are not so good, or when the sweets are good, the coffee is not so good? Cafe Jorro has no such bias, and everything is delicious! Drinking an original chai after a curry is a special experience. The coffee is made from Sapporo "Morihiko" coffee beans, and you can also take the beans home.

cafe jorro

Masala Chai" 650 yen, made even more delicious by Shiori Shimizu's mug.

cafe jorro

Cute "Cappuccino" in a jello mug, 650 yen

cafe jorro

Original coffee "Jorro Blend" can be taken out with beans

If you have room in your stomach, how about pancakes? The pancakes are made to order and baked, so it takes a little time, but that's why they are so freshly made and delicious. The pancakes are made with Kitano Kauri wheat from the Shoji Farm in Otoso-machi, which gives them a chewy texture and a rich wheat flavor.

Three types of pancakes are available: "Whipped Butter & Maple Syrup" (1,050 yen), "Chocolate Sauce & Fresh Cream" (1,150 yen), and "Hokkaido Vanilla Ice Cream & Maple Syrup" (1,150 yen).

*All prices include tax.

SPOT cafe Jorro

cafe Jorro

Location: 1-11 Kino Shinmachi, Ondo-cho, Kawagoe-gun, Hokkaido
Business hours: 11:00-17:00
Closed: Sunday and Monday
For more information about cafe Jorro, click here.

Check it out as well!

Writer Profile

中村まや Deer Woman / Editor Maya Nakamura

Born in Miyagi Prefecture. She is a gourmet media editor turned hunter. She is affectionately known as "Deer Woman Mayamon. With the motto of "taking life in a delicious way," she handles the entire process from hunting to butchering deer. She is also active as a freelance editor, designing and producing logos and pamphlets, writing, and planning and managing events.

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  3. Enjoy a relaxing time surrounded by retro furniture and accessories. Cafe Jorro" in Otogi Town is a nostalgic old private house café.