Two adorable little foxes cuddling up together in Kitami City, etc. [Hokkaido Mirai Notebook (108)|Domingo

Two adorable little foxes cuddling up together in Kitami City, etc. [Hokkaido Mirai Notebook (108)

We would like to introduce three selected photos from the "Hokkaido Mirai Notebook," a collection of wonderful views of Hokkaido photographed and submitted by you! Please enjoy the views of Hokkaido that you would like to leave for the future.

Two cute little foxes (Kitami City)

Six cute little foxes. Two of them were with me the whole time and they were so cute, seeing the same things and doing the same things.

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City, Town and Village where the photo was taken: Kitami-city

A word from Domingo editorial staff
The way they are cuddling shows how well they get along!
I wonder what was in their line of sight, it's a soothing shot 📸.
Just don't ever touch a wild fox, no matter how cute it is 🦊.

Aurora Borealis and Torii (Hatsuyamabetsu Village)

Hearing that the Northern Lights might be visible in Hokkaido, we drove about 4 hours from Sapporo.
The silhouette of the torii gate floating in the pink sky was too beautiful.

Submitted by luck_eye

City/Village where the photo was taken: Hatsuyamabetsu Village

A word from the Domingo editorial team
This is a precious photo of Aurora Borealis! The aurora combined with the aurora borealis creates a mystical space.
I would love to see this beautiful scene in person 👀.

Hydrangea and Former Aoyama Villa (Otaru City)

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This was my first visit here and the hydrangeas were very beautiful.
The cultural assets were also very tasteful and nice.

Posted by hko_camera

City, Town and Village where the photo was taken: Otaru City

A word from the Domingo editorial team
The Nishin Goten Otaru Kihin Kan (former Aoyama Villa) in Otaru City is a gorgeous art mansion!
The beauty of the interior as well as its appearance from the outside 👀 is not to be missed.
You can also taste delicious Japanese and herring dishes.

Hokkaido Mirai Note


Hokkaido Mirai Notebook is a project to collect your photos of Hokkaido on Instagram and compile them into a notebook for the future on our website.
Please post your favorite photos of Hokkaido with #Hokkaido Mirai Note on Instagram.

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