2020, when the response began to come back from the local community. Motocracy, a Local Media Beloved in Asahikawa [Part 2|Domingo

2020, when the response began to come back from the local community. Motocracy, a Local Media Beloved in Asahikawa [Part 2



Higashikawa Town

In 2020, the tourist market was hit hard by the Corona disaster.

We started this project from a "tourist's point of view," but now, two years later, local people are more interested in it than tourists.
Especially in 2020, when the tourists disappeared amid the Corona disaster, I was worried that we would lose the 10,000 copies we had printed. However, we found that locals were using the magazine and finding the area attractive, and it was the year we started to see a positive response."

Motocracy, which had been carefully developed since 2015, was awarded the "Grand Prize" at the Japan Local Information Contents Awards in 2020, when it was hit hard by the loss of tourists amid the Corona Disaster.

Receiving the Grand Prize and what we gained from Motocracy

Japan Local Information Contents Award 2020 from Day Trip Asahikawa on Vimeo.

林和寛さんKazuhiro Hayashi

I was worried that we would lose the 10,000 copies we had printed.
However, at that time, there were people who came to pick up back numbers and inquiries about publication in Motocracy, and we received a variety of responses from the local community.
I was really happy to receive the award at such a time. And anyway, I entered the contest hoping to encourage my two subordinates who do 80% and 90% of the work, so I'm really happy and still surprised that I even won the grand prize."

小川茉奈恵さんManae Ogawa

I have been putting a lot of effort into creating and updating the Web site, so I was very happy and surprised that the Web site and the free paper were seen together.
I didn't know anything about Asahikawa before I started this job, but since I started producing the free paper, I have met many stores and people, which has enriched my own life, and I hope that Motocracy will help increase the number of such people.

One of the biggest changes I have seen since I started creating Motocracy is that, as an indoor person, I am now able to go outside more often on my days off, which makes my holidays more fulfilling.
Whether I am meeting friends or spending time alone, I go out to stores that I have connected with through Motocracy. Since they know us, they sometimes say, "I'll give you this as a freebie. ...... (laughs)"

河野桃さんMomo Kono

Momo Kono: "I have only been with the company for a year and a half, so when I received the award, I was really happy for the two of them. Of course I am happy, but I had heard that Hayashi and Ogawa had been constantly making mistakes, so I think it was great that they were finally recognized by the public.

In the year since Mr. Kono joined the company in April 2019, he has been involved with more than 400 people in his work.
The fact that she has such a large number of connections with so many people, which are by no means shallow, shows the deep connection she has with the local community.

Lowering the hurdles for locals to experience their hometowns | New initiative "Motocracy Gifts

Motocracy has been thinking about how to improve tourism resources that are used by people on the inside in their daily lives, in addition to promoting the area to those outside the region.

We have been thinking about how we can improve our tourism resources so that they can be used on a daily basis by people on the inside! This is interesting!" No matter how many times we tell people about things that the locals haven't eaten or experienced, it is not very convincing.

But it inevitably costs money for a family to experience something like rafting, which is a hurdle for people who have never had the habit before.

We were convinced that once people had experienced it once, they would find it enjoyable, so we were thinking about how to lower the hurdle for the first time and create an opportunity for them to experience it."
The result was "Motocracy Gifts," based on the concept of "giving a gift of one's hometown.


Motocracy Gift
Click on the image to view the purchase page.

Motocracy Gifts offers a whopping 51 plans to choose from, including restaurants, experiences, crafts, and more.
The gift plans are designed so that the customer receives the gift directly from the store, rather than having it delivered to their home, even for crafts.

We asked the stores to do this because we wanted to enrich our customers' lives by having them connect directly with the stores.
Then one of the local stores suggested, "It's boring to just sell things, so let's make a site visit a part of the package. Thanks to that, we were able to create a plan that allowed them to experience things that were not included in the price."

The "Motocracy Gift" is a catalog gift that only Motocracy could produce, based on the trust that we have built through our work with the local people.


An example of a Motocracy Gift

The Motocracy Gift is a gift that reflects the company's commitment to the community.

The Motocracy Gift was created with a strong commitment to the community.

For one thing, it was designed to be used as a local information magazine, not just read once.

We feel strongly about the problem of locals saying, "Asahikawa has nothing," so we wanted to be able to say, "At least we have this! I made it with the hope that people would be able to say, "At least we have this!"

Motocracy Gift contains 51 plans that only the three of us, who have traveled around Asahikawa and its surrounding areas on our own, could have created.
After reading and experiencing the book, the phrase "Asahikawa has nothing to offer" will surely never even cross your mind.

The second is to convey the charm of the region as it is without discounting its value.

I was once asked, "When you make a free newspaper, shouldn't you add a coupon? But it's not about discounts. But I wanted to convey only the pure information about the store, not discounts. Motocracy Gifts is also not a discount, but a 10,000 yen item is sold as a 10,000 yen item. I wanted to say it more strongly because of this time of year."

He also insists on circulating that value within the community.
We don't outsource to other regions, so all the money goes around within the region. The value of this 10,000 yen doesn't come from our region for a penny. We have 1,000 copies in stock this time, so the total economic impact is 10 million yen. We may not be able to match the quality and transmission power of Tokyo or Sapporo, but we make our products with a strong sense of local grit and pride."

We attract people not by offering discounts, but by communicating the value of our products in a fair manner. Motocracy gifts made with a strong policy and love for the region, I would like to give them to someone.


We tell people about our community, in our own words, without lying.
I strongly felt that this attitude has created fans of the "people" introduced in Motocracy and of the three Motocracy creators, and that this has spread to the local community.
When the Corona Disaster has passed, please visit Asahikawa and pick up a copy at one of the stores featured in Motocracy.



Motocracy is a local media that introduces information mainly related to tourism in the area that can be reached by a day trip from Asahikawa Station, almost the center of Hokkaido.


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We stick to "not serving up ". Motocracy, a Local Media Beloved in Asahikawa [Part 1
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  3. 2020, when the response began to come back from the local community. Motocracy, a Local Media Beloved in Asahikawa [Part 2