Temple of the Future = Terra Park! Daruma's Wonderland "Daruma Temple" is too unique!|Domingo

Temple of the Future = Terra Park! Daruma's Wonderland "Daruma Temple" is too unique!



Kitahiroshima City

In Kitahiroshima City, there is a temple called Daruma-dera, which was newly built in 1998. As the name suggests, it is a temple where you can meet many Daruma dolls, and it is said that there are many fun tricks in the spacious grounds.

It is a temple, but fun ......? With your head filled with question marks, let's go and find out the secret.

Daruma-dera Temple in Kitahiroshima City is a Soto sect temple, boasting a large area of 2,500 tsubo (about 1,500 m2) and with no enclosure or gates, anyone can freely enter and exit the temple regardless of religious affiliation.
The name Daruma Temple comes from the founder of the Zen sect, Master Daruma. The abbot himself named the temple after him, out of a desire to return to the origins of Buddhist teachings and also to make it a place that would be familiar to people like Daruma.

Because of this name, more and more Darumas were donated to the temple, and it is now filled with many Darumas. Including those collected by the abbot, the temple is now filled with more than 2,000 pieces of Daruma!
The sight of this many darumas lined up is nothing short of breathtaking. But don't be surprised by this. What overturns the conventional image of a temple is rather outside. I mentioned earlier that the grounds of Daruma Temple cover an area of 2,500 tsubo. Walking around the temple grounds, you will come across some mysterious things. For example, this one.
It looks like a post box, but it has a big tongue sticking out from the opening of the box. This is a "tongue offering," a place where visitors can write letters of repentance and post them to the temple after reflecting on any lies or slips of the tongue.

Rest assured that the priest will burn your letter of repentance. Still, the impact of the post is so great, I feel like I'm dreaming about it.
Now, there is a handmade (!) river flowing through the grounds. The river is flowing through the grounds. The river is said to be inspired by the image of the Sanzu River, and when you head upstream, you will see the gentle face of the Kannon (Goddess of Mercy).

It is called "Hohoemi Kannon" (Goddess of Mercy), and the sight of her standing in the midst of nature is sure to soothe you. Incidentally, there is not only a river but also a waterfall and a pond on the premises, which would be pleasant to use as a short walking course.
In fact, that is exactly what the head priest was aiming for. The reason he originally secured such a large site, built a river and pond, and placed unique post boxes and Yama-sama, is because he wants people to visit the temple more casually.

It is our earnest wish to make the relationship between Japanese people and temples closer. I see. That is why there are no enclosures or gates.

If you are ever in Kitahiroshima, please visit this temple. There are many points of interest for both children and adults, and you will surely fall in love with Daruma-dera Temple.

<Cooperation for this report
Darumadera Temple
Location: 242-20 Tomigaoka, Kitahiroshima-shi, Hokkaido
Phone: 011-373-8883
Official website: https://www.darumaji300years.com

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Hokkaido Sightseeing Turtle Writer Bubu-Neko

I'm Bubaneko, a writer with many connections to sightseeing spots and tourist facilities in Hokkaido. There are many wonderful resources, even the ones we take for granted when we live in Hokkaido. I will be sharing these wonderful attractions of Hokkaido with you.

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