Encounter rare plants! Yurigahara Park, a relaxing park where you can enjoy flowers, has a lot to offer!|Domingo

Encounter rare plants! Yurigahara Park, a relaxing park where you can enjoy flowers, has a lot to offer!



Sapporo City

Yurigahara Park opened in 1983 as a comprehensive park in Kita-ku, Sapporo. Since then, it has long been a popular recreational spot for Sapporo citizens. Many plants are cultivated here, and a variety of flowers are at their best depending on the season. We visited the park to see what kind of flowers we can see as spring turns to summer. (Date of interview: May 18, 2022)

The Yurigahara Park covers an area of 25.4 hectares. It is quite spacious, and each area has its own theme, with a variety of plants growing there.

The Yurigahara Green Center, which also has a magnificent greenhouse facility for a fee, is located just inside the grounds, but let's go around outdoors this time.

Incidentally, just outside the grounds, lilac trees have been planted for about 650 meters, and a walkway named "Lilac Walk" is a delight to the eyes of passersby.

Lilacs are also planted in abundance in the park. In one area of the greening botanical garden, about 50 varieties of lilacs, mainly French lilacs, are just coming into full bloom, and the whole area is filled with a delicious fragrance.

Lilacs are planted around the plaza and there are some benches, so it would be nice to take a break while admiring the flowers. At the time of our visit, there were people eating their lunch boxes and reading books.

The 80-meter-long, 15-meter-wide area under the silos in the lawn is named "Muscari Path," and from mid-May, blue-purple muscari bloom like a carpet.

The 80 varieties of tulips are all unique, but at the time of our visit, they were in full bloom! However, at the time of our visit, there were a few tulips that had already finished blooming.

It is possible to see this area up close from the windows of the "Lily Train," which runs slowly through the park. From now on, roses and lilies that color the early summer can also be enjoyed from the train windows. The Lily Train is also recommended for visitors with small children who have difficulty strolling through the large park.

Let me introduce one more plant that is at its best right now. It is the handkerchief tree planted in the "Lily of the World Plaza.

At first glance, it appears to have only leaves, but if you look closely, you can see white flowers. The name "handkerchief tree" is derived from the two bracts that embrace the center flower and look like a white handkerchief.

The handkerchief tree was in full bloom, and from now on, rare plants such as the black lily, Himalayan blue poppy, and magnolia ashei, which can be seen only in a few botanical gardens in Hokkaido, will continue to bloom.

Please also check out the video of the actual walk around the spacious Yurigahara Park!

Please visit Yurigahara Park to see a variety of plants.

For more information, please visit Domingo's spot page.
Yurigahara Park

<Yurigahara Park
Location: Yurigahara Park, Kita-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido
Contact: 011-772-4722
Official website: https://yuri-park.jp/

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Hokkaido Sightseeing Turtle Writer Bubu-Neko

I'm "Bubaneko," a writer with many connections to Hokkaido's sights and tourist facilities. There are many wonderful resources, even the ones we take for granted when we live in Hokkaido. I will be sharing these wonderful attractions of Hokkaido with you.

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