The end of 33 years of supporting the town's dairy farmers: A photo capturing "the day the farmers left the dairy" has received a resounding response.|Domingo

The end of 33 years of supporting the town's dairy farmers: A photo capturing "the day the farmers left the dairy" has received a resounding response.



Shibecha Town

A photo titled "Day of Leaving Farming" is getting a lot of attention. This photo shows the last day of a 33-year dairy farmer in Shibecha, Hokkaido.

This photo was taken by Tomohiro Nakamichi, who writes "Tomohiro Nakamichi's Shibecha Biyori" on Domingo,

He wrote: "Thanks for all your hard work! And my heartfelt thanks."
Tomohiro Nakamichi, who has been seriously dealing with living creatures and nature for 33 years, is nothing but cool.
I was born and raised in Shibecha. I was born and raised in Shibecha, and I am grateful to see the person who supported Shibecha, a small dairy farming town.
I couldn't stop crying. It has been 30 years since I got married and became a dairy farmer. This day will come for us too..." Many people expressed various emotions from the photos.

Many people have commented on the photos, expressing a variety of emotions.

We asked Mr. Nakamichi about this case.

--Please tell us how you came to take these photos.

I heard through word of mouth that a farmer I had been working with for some time was leaving his farm on April 1 of this year. I was filled with a desire to do something for him, so I asked him if I could do a photo shoot on his last day.

--Please tell us about the episode on the day of the shooting.

The thing that left the biggest impression on me was what the farmer said. I guess I should say that I had a lot of fun, but I had a lot more pain on my last day.

On the day of shooting, I was conscious of just leaving the scene as it was, without adding my emotions as much as possible.

--Please tell us what you think now that you have finished filming.

In this day and age, work, hobbies, and everything else are moving so quickly. Even a brand-new smartphone becomes an old model after five years. In a world where everything is quickly produced and consumed, I realized the weight and value of "having done one thing for 33 years.

The value created by time tends to be underestimated in this day and age, but I would like to take my time and express something.

It is also very valuable for me to be able to take photographs to document the town and its people. Once again, I am grateful for this opportunity. And I hope to continue taking photos like this in the future.

Thank you, Mr. Nakamichi. What do you think of the weight of the 33 years that these photos clearly convey? Perhaps these photos are asking us something important.

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