Encounters with Tokachi begin here - Tokachi-related Information Center
The Tokachi-related information centers are located at HOTEL NUPKA in Obihiro City, Hokkaido on the regional side and SHIBUYA QWS in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo on the metropolitan side, connecting the two sides using the "Window" telepresence system that enables real and virtual interaction.
This page summarizes information on the Tokachi-related information centers (@HOTEL NUPKA / @SHIBUYA QWS) and will be updated as needed.
We will provide information on "relationship information sessions" introducing the efforts of "Makers" (creators) who make things and create things in Tokachi, introduce Makers in Tokachi, and provide information on attractive spots in Tokachi.
Relational Guidance Session Schedule
Thursday, October 12, 18:00 - "Development of earrings that glow in response to pounding
Date: Thursday, October 12, 2023, 18:00-19:00
■Guest: Aiyumi Yamamoto (President, e-lamp. Co., Ltd.)
View session details
Meet the people of Tokachi
Local Player Interviews
Tokachi-related information center
SHIBUYA QWS (Tokyo Venue)
◾️ Location: 2-24-12 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Shibuya Scramble Square (East Wing) 15F
NUPKA ONNAY (Obihiro venue)
◾️ Location: Kajino Bldg. 3F, 10-18 Nishi 2-Jo Minami, Obihiro City, Hokkaido
(1 minute walk from HOTEL NUPKA)
Past Related Information Sessions
Session 1: Wednesday, September 6 "Bringing Urban Wineries to Tokachi Obihiro
Part 2: Wednesday, September 13: "What is a 'freelance farmer' who can start without land!
Session 3: Friday, September 22: "A New Trial to Connect the Greater Tokachi Area!
Part 4: Monday, September 25: "A Loose Social Space" for the Local Community and Outsiders
Part 5: Tuesday, September 26 "Tokachi Vegetable Express
Vol. 6: Tuesday, September 26 "Tokachi Digital Circus
Part 7: Thursday, October 5: "Job Matching Web Media Specializing in Local Communities
Cooperative Relations Information Session
October 17 (Tue) 19:00 - "[NoMaps Kushiro/Nemuro Cooperation Event] Kushiro Relation Information Session without permission! Shibuya QWS⇔946BANYA
Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 19:00-20:00
View session details