What kind of Sapporo's Sasara train runs when it snows? When do they run?|Domingo

What kind of Sapporo's Sasara train runs when it snows? When do they run?




Sapporo City

Sapporo's sasara trains, which start running when it snows, are one of the typical winter scenes. But what kind of train is this train, which is almost unfamiliar to people outside of Hokkaido?

Sasara Train is a special snow-removal vehicle equipped with bundles of bamboo sasara


Bundles of bamboo sasara attached to the lower part of the front and rear of the train

Sasara trains are used to remove snow from the track on which the streetcars run. Customers are not allowed to board the train, but the driver and a staff member who operates the snowplow, ride on the train exclusively for snow removal.

By the way, what do you think a "sasara" is? A sasara is a bamboo brush. It is the same kind of brush that is used to clean dirt stuck on pots and pans with kitchen utensils. Bamboo is resilient, so it can bounce snow and ice off the track without damaging the rails.

Snow removal methods unchanged since the Taisho era


Lower part of a sasara train. The sasara is made of madake bamboo from the Tohoku region

Although it may seem a bit analog, this method of snow removal has not changed much over the past 100 years. The sasara train was introduced in the late Taisho period (1912-1926). It was inspired by a bamboo tawashi (sasara) used in the kitchen. Since then, other snow removal methods have been tried, but in the end, they settled on sasara as the best method, and the basic structure of the train is largely the same today as it was when it was created in the Taisho era.

Each sasara train has a total of 800 bundles of sasara per car, front and rear.


I heard that the installation of the sashes is all done by hand.

The saras are used heavily after many runs, so they are usually replaced two or three times a season. Especially in recent years, there has been a lot of sticky snow instead of powder snow, which puts more load on the sarsara and causes it to deteriorate faster, resulting in more frequent replacements.


ササラ電車はいつ、どこで見られるの?<h3 class="ptn_4"> When and where can I see the sassara train?</h3><img id="30216" src="https://domingo.ne.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/51e3646f26d039f2fcbcc4ca876a83f5.jpg" alt="ササラ電車"><p class="imgcaption"> As it runs, the rotor of the sasara rotates backwards to bounce snow off the track and remove it!</p> <p> The sight of the train running while kicking up snow is dynamic! I feel the toughness, strength, and reassurance of the people of Sapporo, a city of heavy snowfall, as they protect their feet. However, even if you want to see them, it is not so easy to do so because there is no definite operating time. But here are some tips to improve your chances of seeing it.</p> <h3 class="ptn_2"> Sasara Train Operation Hours</h3> <p> Sasara trains operate in the following two patterns.</p> <p> 1: Every morning around 4:00 a.m. during the snow season (generally from late November to late March).<br> *The train operates every day during this period to check for snow accumulation as well as to remove snow from the track.<br> 2: When snow begins to fall during the train's operating hours &amp; when snow continues to fall.<br> Irregular operation</p> <p> If you are along the streetcar line before dawn in winter, after 4:00 a.m., you can see the Sasara train running. However, if there is no snow on the track, the sasara will not rotate and run, so they simply pass by for inspection.</p><img id="30219" src="https://domingo.ne.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/64a75bfa6d3f36640e6213c2ed8e7463.jpg" alt="ササラ電車"><p class="imgcaption"> Before the first train starts moving, it bounces off the snow on the track</p> <p> If you want to see the streetcars running while kicking snow off the tracks, the best time is after the snow starts to fall. You can see the impressive sight even from the sidewalk of the street where the streetcars run. (Do not enter the area near the tracks, as it is dangerous!) However, since the operating hours are not fixed, you will have to wait in the snow for the Sasara train, which may come at any moment. ......</p> <h3 class="ptn_2"> Sasara train route</h3><img id="30220" src="https://domingo.ne.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/5e3924fd65ac5464e359f0441e75d6e4.jpg" alt="ササラ電車"><p class="imgcaption"> Sasara Train is always coming and going, and it depends on your luck when and where you will see it!</p> <p> Incidentally, the Sasara train does not rotate even if it passes through the Susukino - Raccoon Alley - Nishi 4-chome area in the center of Sapporo, because the area is heated by road heating and snow does not accumulate there. Also, the trains turn around at Susukino and Nishi 4-chome and do not run through the center of town such as Raccoon Koji. In other words, even if you wait in this section of the city, which is easily visited by many people, you will not be able to see the dynamic running scene.</p> <p> Basically, one Sasara train is dispatched first, then two, three, or four depending on the snowfall conditions. You will be lucky if you see one at this time!</p><img id="30218" src="https://domingo.ne.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/f73a2ab3efca41f051f37883b81df01c.jpg" alt="ササラ電車"><p class="imgcaption"> As of December 2023, there are 4 Sasara trains!</p> <h3 class="ptn_4"> Even in heavy snowfalls, streetcars are almost never cancelled thanks to the Sasara trains!</h3><img id="30213" src="https://domingo.ne.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/41d77b6e35998dfc7787808bcf0265eb.jpg" alt="ササラ電車"><p class="imgcaption"> When the Sasara trams start running, we feel that winter has come to Sapporo again this year.</p> <p> Sasara trams have been running through the streets of Sapporo, kicking up snow as they have done since the Taisho Era (1912-1926). Despite the heavy snowfall in this city, the streetcars are running almost without a break thanks to the Sasara Tramway. We would like to express our gratitude to all those who protect the tradition of snow removal in Sapporo and the wintertime transportation of the citizens of Sapporo!</p> <p> Photo courtesy of Sapporo City Transportation Promotion Organization</p> <h3 class="ptn_5"> Check it out as well!</h3>

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