New Consumption" and "Relational Population" Create New Lifestyle Connecting Tokachi and Nationwide Interview with Tetsuya Kashiwao, Founder of Tokachi City Design|Domingo

New Consumption" and "Relational Population" Create New Lifestyle Connecting Tokachi and Nationwide Interview with Tetsuya Kashiwao, Founder of Tokachi City Design




Obihiro City

Founded in 2014, Tokachi City Design Inc. has been working on community development in Obihiro and Tokachi. The company has developed various projects to revitalize the community, such as the operation of the community hotel "HOTEL NUPKA" and the "BARriage BAR" to enjoy the central Obihiro area with alcoholic beverages. Currently, under the theme of "new consumption" that links the big city and the region, we are exploring new lifestyles and ways of working that are appropriate for the age of 100-year life.

In this interview, we spoke with Tetsuya Kashio, founder of Tokachi City Design Inc. about his efforts to build a new relationship between the region and the nation.

What is the "new consumption" that we are aiming for from Tokachi and Obihiro?

--Please welcome Mr. Tetsuya Kashio, founder of Tokachi City Design Co. First of all, please tell us about the past efforts of "Tokachi City Design Co.


Tetsuya Kashio, founder of Tokachi City Design Corporation and Hotel Nupuka

Tetsuya Kashiwao (Tetsuya Kashiwao): I founded the company in Obihiro in 2014. It all started in 2013 with the production of "my little guidebook," a short film promoting the attractions of my hometown of Tokachi. This led to the launch of the community hotel "HOTEL NUPKA" in 2016, and a series of projects connecting people with the region, including "Beer for the Beginning of the Journey" using Tokachi-produced barley malt. With the hotel as a base, our goal has been to create a place where people can gather and disseminate information about the region.

my little guidebook" published in 2013




Beer at the beginning of the journey

Since FY2021, we have focused on "Creating and Expanding Relationship Population" and have been selected as a subsidized project by the Cabinet Office. This year, we are taking it a step further and starting an initiative called the "Relational Population Type Regional Trading Company" under the theme of "New Consumption.

--Please tell us specifically what kind of consumer behavior you mean by "new consumption.

Kashiwao: Until now, the main image of "consumption" has been the act of "paying money to buy products," but in fact, many people are involved behind the scenes. Farmers produce raw materials, processors turn them into products, distributors transport them, and sellers deliver them to consumers. The essence of "new consumption" is for consumers to understand the efforts and thoughts of the people involved in this chain of events, as well as the challenges they face, and to consume in a way that supports this understanding. It is an expansive consumption behavior that does not simply end with the purchase of a product, but includes, for example, meeting the producer directly, listening to his or her story, and supporting his or her activities.


Image of "new consumption

--I see, so that is "new consumption. What are your specific initiatives?

Kashiwao: Specifically, we are working on a project called "Relational Population Type Regional Trading Company. This is a system in which consumers in urban areas support producers in rural areas and receive rewards for the results of their activities. Consumers stay involved with the local regions as a "related population" and help producers with marketing activities, etc., so that producers can expand their sales channels in urban areas and consumers can receive rewards from the results of their support. In this way, we aim to create benefits for both parties and make the initiative sustainable.


Image of a "Relationship-Based Regional Trading Company

"Utilizing local resources to expand the potential that Hokkaido has to offer."

--What does this initiative mean for the people living in Hokkaido?

Kashiwao: Hokkaido is a region with strengths in primary industries such as agriculture, dairy farming, and fishing. There is also great potential to create additional economic value by processing and servicing these products. However, there are various issues such as a lack of bearers, succession problems, and distance from the Tokyo metropolitan area. Since Sapporo is the only large city in Hokkaido, we believe it is important to promote "new consumption" from this base. By utilizing local resources and building a win-win relationship between producers and consumers, I believe we can further expand Hokkaido's potential.

北海道・十勝 北海道・十勝

--you mean more than "revitalization of the local economy".

Kashiwao: Yes, it does. New consumption not only supports local producers, but also shows city-dwelling consumers the possibilities of new lifestyles and ways of working. In today's society, which tends to view a 100-year life in a negative light due to pension problems, an aging society with a low birthrate, and a stagnant economy, we can present a new way of life by working with the local community. I believe that this is an initiative with great potential that could reconstruct the economic structure of Japan as a whole.

--What specific changes do you expect for consumers in metropolitan areas?

Kashiwao: In the model we are pursuing of a "related-population regional trading company," the related population in the metropolis acts as an agent for the local producers to introduce their products in the urban area. As people become aware of local products, their empathy for the region and the people who live there will grow, and more people will become involved with the region as a related population. Some of them may even want to move to the area. In fact, many people say, "I want to live in the countryside someday...". However, the biggest hurdle in moving to a rural area is the issue of income.


Although quality of life improves in rural areas, income and income loss are often talked about as a "trade-off. While this is a real issue, we do not believe that the same situation will continue in the future. If we can take advantage of local resources, create high value-added products and services, and export them to the national and international markets, we have the potential to earn higher incomes than we currently do. We believe that if higher incomes can be earned in the region, there will be more immigrants who can balance quality of life and income.

However, this is difficult at present because of the "long-distance challenge. Especially in areas like Hokkaido, which is more than 1,000 kilometers away from cities, logistics are difficult, but people-to-people exchanges tend to be weak. Even with the widespread use of the Internet, it is important to meet in person to build a relationship of trust. However, traveling to distant places takes time and money, and frequent visits are not easy. The "money challenge" and the "long-distance challenge" need to be overcome.


「お金の課題」と「遠距離課題」を解決するには<h3 class="ptn_4"> How can regions solve the "money challenge" and the "long-distance challenge"?</h3> <p> --How can the "money challenge" and the "long-distance challenge" be overcome?</p> <p><strong>Kashiwao:</strong> "New consumption" shows the potential to increase income through involvement with the community. Also, having a living base in a rural area can reduce living costs. In this era of 100-year life spans and growing concerns about pensions and other issues, we believe that involvement with the local community is the key to solving income challenges.</p> <p> Combining information and communication technology (IT) with tourism stays is key to solving the "long-distance challenge." The Corona Disaster has popularized online conferencing, but it has also reaffirmed the importance of meeting in person. Last year, we conducted a demonstration experiment connecting Shibuya and Obihiro using "Window," a telepresence system developed by Sony. Using this technology, we are developing a program to encourage people from Tokyo to visit Tokachi and interact locally. HOTEL NUPKA thus serves as a place where people can come together and build deep relationships with the local community.</p><img id="40917" src="" alt="窓"><p class="imgcaption"> Window" telepresence system</p> <p> --What was the impetus for this initiative on "new consumption"?</p> <p><strong>Kashiwao:</strong> A major turning point was the opening in 2021 of NUPKA Hanare, an annex to HOTEL NUPKA, by renovating part of the Obihiro branch office building of Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance Company ("Dai-ichi Life"). Dai-ichi Life invests a portion of its insurance premiums in real estate over the long term, and the renovation of the Obihiro branch building was part of that investment. During the large-scale renovation of this building, Dai-ichi Life's Real Estate Department became aware of ESG real estate investments that go beyond mere profit and contribute to the local community, and they shared our concept of operating a hotel that contributes to the local community, which led to the birth of NUPKA Hanare.</p><img id="40918" src="" alt="NUPKA Hanare"><p class="imgcaption"> NUPKA Hanare</p> <p> Furthermore, the three parties, including Obihiro City, concluded a partnership agreement for the purpose of "creating and expanding the related population through workcations," and agreed to utilize this facility as a base for creating a related population. Later, in 2024, Dai-ichi Life's Real Estate Department proposed that we hold an event to increase the related population in Tokachi in the open space in the basement of the office building "D-LIFEPLACE Sapporo," which was completed in 2023 and directly connected to the underground passageway (Chi Ka Ho) in front of Sapporo Station. In the course of planning this event, the concept of "new consumption" and the idea of a "regional trading company with a related population" were linked, and a concrete concept was developed.</p><img id="41222" src="" alt="D-LIFEPLACE 札幌"><p class="imgcaption"> D-LIFEPLACE Sapporo</p> <h3 class="ptn_4"> Building a lifestyle of becoming a "related population" and being involved in both the local community and the city</h3> <p> --Please tell us more about "related population," which is often mentioned as a keyword.</p> <p><strong>Kashiwao:</strong> The "related population" refers to people who do not fully immigrate, but are continuously involved with the local community and contribute to its development. This is a form of active involvement in the local economy and society without settling down, such as participating in local events, sales of products, and marketing, while maintaining a deeper connection than tourism. As a bridge between the region and the city, the related population plays a major role in the revitalization of the region.</p> <p> This concept of "related population" was born in the mountainous areas of the Chugoku region. It began as an effort to promote the exchange of human resources from the urban areas of Hiroshima and Okayama in order to sustain agriculture in the mountains. Through the continuous involvement of urban people with rural communities, a new form of support for local industry and culture has been created.</p><img id="41217" src="" alt="関係人口"><p class="imgcaption"> Image of "related population" in cities and regions</p> <p> Tokachi is one of the largest agricultural regions in Japan, and we believe that the role of "relational population" in this region will be very dynamic. However, in Tokachi, the "related population" is expected to go beyond that and play an active role in the production of agricultural products and crafts, as well as in the operation of restaurants and commercial facilities, in a way that will continue to support the industrial base of the entire region. In Tokachi, however, it is expected that the population involved will go beyond this and continue to support the industrial base of the entire region, such as the production of agricultural products and crafts, and the operation of restaurants and commercial facilities.</p> <p> Furthermore, being active as a related population is an opportunity for urban residents to find a new purpose and value in life. For example, based on the ideas of "life shift" and "100-year life," people can build a new lifestyle while contributing to society by getting involved in both the local community and the city. Against this backdrop, we are promoting the concept of "new consumption" and "regional trading company with related population" to create a sustainable model in which the city and the region grow together. As the related population in urban areas promotes local products, a new relationship with consumers is established, which in turn leads to "new consumption".</p><img id="40931" src="" alt="地域の産品"><p> --In a sense, "new consumption" is similar to "hometown tax payment" in terms of "local involvement", isn't it?</p> <p><strong>Kashiwao:</strong> "Furusato" is also a way to support the local community, and there are similarities in terms of consumers contributing to the community. However, in many cases, "Furusato Tax Payment" ends with a single involvement as an act of donation. New Consumption" aims to go beyond that and build a deeper and more sustainable relationship with the community. Rather than simply receiving a return gift, the essence of "new consumption" is for consumers to empathize with the activities and issues of producers and create a mutually beneficial relationship through direct support.</p> <h3 class="ptn_4"> A major characteristic of new consumption: "a mechanism for consumers to be actively involved."</h3> <p> --In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of local producers who sell their products on e-commerce sites, which are then purchased by people in urban areas. What is the major difference between this and "new consumption"?</p> <p><strong>Kashiwao:</strong> Purchasing on EC sites is also very effective as a form of producer support. However, "new consumption" is very different in that it is not limited to the mere buying and selling of goods; consumers empathize with the efforts and thoughts of the producers and take action to support them. For example, with e-commerce sites, the relationship often ends after the purchase is made, but "new consumption" is a system in which consumers are actively involved by deepening their connection with the producer, helping with marketing activities in urban areas, and visiting the local area to interact directly with the producer. This is the main difference.</p><img id="40921" src="" alt="地域の産品">

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