Community development using hometown tax payments in Sarufutsu Village, "the northernmost village in Japan.|Domingo

Community development using hometown tax payments in Sarufutsu Village, "the northernmost village in Japan.



Sarufutsu Village

This time, we would like to introduce Sarufutsu Village, the northernmost village in Japan. Sarufutsu Village, where fishing and dairy farming are thriving, boasts of great popularity for its hometown tax return gifts such as natural scallops, one of the largest scallop catch in Japan, and ice cream made from fresh raw milk squeezed by local dairy farmers, as you can taste delicious local products.

However, the current system of "hometown tax payment" tends to focus only on "value for money," and the competition for returned goods has intensified in many areas, often causing problems. ......
Sarufutsu Village, on the other hand, has been practicing a hometown taxation system that is not bound by the return of gifts by linking "hometown tax payment" with "a richer lifestyle in the village".

Domingo, which delivers the "now" of Hokkaido, held the "Domingo x Sarufutsu Collaboration Campaign" from November 23 to 30, 2020, as the second campaign to share the charms of various areas in Hokkaido.
This article was originally published as a campaign article on November 23, 2020, but was revised after the campaign ended and published again on January 13, 2021.

What is Sarufutsu Village like?

Sarufutsu Village is the "northernmost village in Japan" and is located in the center of the Soya General Promotion Bureau, the northernmost part of Hokkaido, at about the same latitude as Montreal, Canada. Sarufutsu Village is bordered by the coastline of the Sea of Okhotsk to the east, Toyotomi Town to the west, Horonobe Town and Hamatombetsu Town to the south, and Wakkanai City to the north.
猿払村の位置 According to the 2015 census, the total population was 2,684 and the total fertility rate was 2.19, well above the national average of 1.46. The aging rate is 22.8%, the third lowest among the 179 municipalities in Hokkaido.
Compared to the national average, Hokkaido has a large percentage of young and working-age population, making it an easy place to live. 猿払村の概要

Sarufutsu, a village with a thriving fishing and dairy farming industry

The number of fishermen is 257, and the annual catch of natural scallops is a whopping 46,228 tons (fiscal year 2009).
Facing the Sea of Okhotsk, Sarufutsu Village boasts the largest catch of natural scallops in Japan, as well as hairy crabs, salmon, and trout. The scallops from Sarufutsu Village are well known for their delicious flavor and firm flesh, thanks to the fast-flowing tides. In the past, there was a time when resources were depleted and the village was poor. The village overcame those hard times and now supports the village's industry.

The number of dairy farmers is 170, and milk production amounts to 41,645 tons (fiscal year 2009).
Sarufutsu milk, which is characterized by a thirst-quenching and rich texture similar to raw milk, is the result of the unrelenting efforts of the dairy farmers, who deal with each cow on a daily basis, and each cow has its own unique characteristics. Along with the fishing industry, dairy farming in Sarufutsu Village is one of the village's two main industries.

We asked a person at the Sarufutsu Village Office about it!

Q What is the charm of Sarufutsu Village?

高橋さんMr. Tomohiro Takahashi, Planning Policy Division, Sar ufutsu Village

I have grown up in Sarufutsu since I was a child.

The good thing about Sarufutsu Village is that it is rich in nature and the food is delicious!
It is a small village with a population of about 2,700, so I feel the kindness of the people close to me and they really treat me well. This year, I was even taken on a fishing trip by the head of the community association, who was involved in my work, on his boat! I have a strong relationship with each and every person in the town, and my life is very rich.

新家さんMr. Takuro Shinke, Planning Policy Division, Sarufutsu Village

I have been living in Sarufutsu Village for a long time, and honestly speaking, I did not think it was special because of the abundance of "delicious food" and "rich nature" in my daily life.

However, as I became involved in the hometown tax payment project, I had more opportunities to talk with people from all over Japan, and I realized that the scallops and ice cream in the village are much tastier than in other areas. After that, I always thought, "How can I let people know how good Sarufutsu is?" I am always thinking, "How can I let people know the good things about Sarufutsu? For example, I wanted more people to know about Sarufutsu Village, so I asked Hajiji of "Hajiji Maze Theater" to make a video about the village.

Q What are some of your favorite places in Sarufutsu Village?

高橋さんMr. Tomohiro Takahashi, Planning and Policy Division, Sarufutsu Village

The Esanuka Line! The vast land, wide sky, and the exhilaration of riding along the straight road is the best.

新家さん Mr . Takuro Shinke, Planning and Policy Division, Sarufutsu Village

In Sarufutsu Village, the sky, the sea, and the land look beautiful no matter where you look. I especially recommend the morning sun seen from Sarufutsu Park. The color of the sky and the clouds are very beautiful.


Photo by Mr. Takuro Shinke


Photo courtesy of Takuro Shine

What kind of return goods are available for Sarufutsu-mura's hometown tax payment?

Three winners will receive the "Sarufutsu-mura Furusato Set" which consists of four products in one!

1. Sarufutsu Scallop Butter Curry


Two whole, thick scallops from Sarufutsu Village in Hokkaido are served in this curry. This is a special version of Goshimaken's curry that is richly infused with the flavor of scallops and meat and unsalted Sarufutsu butter.
Goshimaken x Hokuryu Maru Scallop Butter Curry 4-box set with thick scallops from Sarufutsu, Hokkaido

2. Dried scallops

さるふつ名産 天然ほたて干貝柱

Sarufutsu's sea and sun have refined the taste of dried scallops. The scallops are seasoned with salt only and dried slowly in the sun and sea breeze for about a month.
Sarufutsu Dried Scallops S Size 200g

3. Scallop Nori

猿払紀行 帆立のり

This nori tsukudani is made by using an abundance of Sarufutsu scallops. The flavor and texture of the scallops can be enjoyed.

4. Luxurious Keema with a hint of sea breeze

潮風香る 贅沢キーマ

This seafood keema curry is made with Hokkaido scallops and octopus ingredients separately. It can be served as is or with dashi (Japanese soup stock) to suit your taste.
Please check out the Sarufutsu Village Furusato Tax Payment Special Site!
Sarufutsu Village, Hokkaido [Official] Furusato Tax Payment Special Site

Try it out! Arranged recipes

Mr. Shinke and Mr. Takahashi recommend the following arranged recipe: 2. Cooked rice with dried scallops!

A specialty of Sarufutsu Village! Rice cooked with dried scallops


Ingredients (4 servings)

Dried scallops ... 60g
Water ... 400ml
2 cups rice
3 tablespoons soy sauce
4 teaspoons mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)
4 teaspoons cooking sake
Mitsuba (honeydew) - to taste
1/2 carrot
3 shiitake mushrooms
1/2 pack shimeji mushrooms
1 piece (about 30g) deep-fried tofu


1) Soak dried scallops in water for 1 day to rehydrate.
(2) Wash rice and let sit for 30 minutes. Cut carrots, shiitake mushrooms, shimeji mushrooms and fried tofu into bite-size pieces.
In a pot, add the scallop broth and ingredients from step (1) and bring to a boil over medium heat. Once simmering, reduce heat to low and cook for 10 minutes.
4) After simmering, steam for 10 minutes and mix all the ingredients together. Finally, top with honeywort.

Sarufutsu Village Tax Payment

Sarufutsu Village is famous for its fishing and dairy farming. The tax returns from Sarufutsu Village are all gorgeous and delicious!

Sarufutsu Village Furusato Tax Ranking 5

Hokkaido Sarufutsu-mura [Official] Furusato Tax Payment Special Site

Sarufutsu Village boasts the largest catch of natural scallops and dried scallops in Japan, as well as dairy products such as ice cream, butter, and bread made from fresh raw milk squeezed by local dairy farmers. Sarufutsu Village's hometown tax payment is extremely popular because you can taste the delicious foods that abound in the village.

However, the current system of "hometown tax payment" tends to focus only on "luxury" and "value for money," and the competition for returned goods is intensifying in many places.

The village of Sarufutsu, however, is practicing a way to link the return of tax revenue to "a more affluent life in the village. Specifically, to create new industries, plastic greenhouses have been installed, and research and studies are being conducted on the cultivation of strawberries, leafy vegetables, and other crops. The "Food and Health Project" has been launched with the cooperation of nutritionists, cooks, and public health nurses to try to link the cultivation process to dietary education and to have villagers eat the harvested products to improve their health. We are seeking initiatives to consider the health of villagers from the perspective of food.


Newly constructed greenhouses (photo courtesy of Sarufutsu Village)


Vegetables grown in the greenhouses (photo courtesy of Sarufutsu Village)

Recruitment of Regional Development Cooperation Volunteers

Sarufutsu Village has been conducting research on agriculture using plastic greenhouses since this year. Currently, two members of the Regional Development Cooperative are involved in this project, but we would like to increase the number of our members.
If you are interested in getting involved in agriculture and new projects, please contact us!
For more information, click here.


Sarufutsu Village, the northernmost village in Japan, is a charming village full of food, people, ease of living, and hope for the future.

Please consider making a tax payment to the hometown where you can taste the village's delicacies and contribute to its future.

Hokkaido Sarufutsu Village 【Official】Furusato Tax Payment Special Site
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