What in the world is "Soft Katsugen," Hokkaido's soul drink?|Domingo

What in the world is "Soft Katsugen," Hokkaido's soul drink?




Everyone in Hokkaido is familiar with the drink known as katsugen!
But for those who don't know anything about Hokkaido, it's a little bit like "what's that? For those who have no connection to Hokkaido, it is a drink that is also known as "Katsugen"...

Katsugen has been loved by Hokkaido residents and has evolved into a long-selling product.
It is a common sight to see it in supermarkets and convenience stores in Hokkaido, but it is surprisingly little known how it became such a beloved staple product of the local people.

The Domingo editorial staff went to Snow Brand Megmilk Co!
The Domingo editorial staff went to Snow Brand Mega Milk Co. and asked the person in charge about the secret of Katsugen.

We spoke with Masayuki Sugaya (right), director of the Dairy and Milk History Museum, and Keisuke Saito (left) of the Sales Planning Department of Snow Brand Mega Milk Co. Mr. Saito

1. katsugen was originally a zero!
2. evolving katsugen
What in the world is "Katsugen Shrine"?

Katsugen was originally 00!

Katsugen is a lactic acid bacteria beverage, now officially known as Soft Katsugen. The birth of the product dates back to 1938.

How was it born in the first place?
We asked Mr. Saito of Snow Brand Meglu Milk Co.

Mr. Saito answered, "Snow Brand Meglik's lactic acid beverage business began in 1938, when we supplied the lactic acid beverage "Katsumoto" in Shanghai in response to a request from the military. Katsugen" was a new product launched in Hokkaido in 1956, named "Snow Brand Katsugen (活力源)" after the first and last letters of the word "katsugen" (活力給源)."

Poster from that time

In 1956, Katsugen was sold in bottles with a distinctive yellow vinyl lid, rather than in paper cartons as it is today.

In the early 1960s, Katsugen was sold in Hokkaido and the Tohoku region, while Snow Luck, Yogurt, and Soft Luck were sold in other regions. However, in the Hokkaido region, "Katsugen," which had established its own product supply and sales network, continued to be marketed, and has been marketed to this day.

Katsugen and Snow Luck when sold in bottles

Then, in 1979, it was relaunched as "Soft Katsugen" in paper packs for easy drinking. The current form has been developed.

Soft Katugen currently sold in Hokkaido

Since Katsugen was originally sold in bottles, people used to enjoy it after taking a bath, as if it were a 'treat after taking a bath. It had three times the milk solids content of today's products, and the strong taste may have been perceived as a 'reward'."

Evolving Katsugen

Soft Katsugen" has become a long-selling product in Hokkaido, but the company has also made various other efforts in addition to the standard product.

Flavor katsugen sold so far

As a "pun," the company has been developing seasonal packages to support students preparing for entrance exams in Hokkaido as "Katsugen (win) Gen (source). In 2016, we launched a new product called "Katsugen of those days" based on the idea that it would be interesting to release an old Katsugen. It reproduced the thickness of the product by using the milk solids content of those days. It was very well received by our customers."

2021 Exam Support Package

Katsugen of Those Days

And since the 2016 hit of "Ano Koro no Katsugen," the company has been releasing a limited time version of a darker-flavored katsugen every year.

We hope to have more information about our new product for 2021 soon."

Katsugen Ajiwai Dense Aroma Nerated Milk Strawberry Flavor

What in the world is "Katsugen Shrine?"

And Katsugen is not only about products, but also about unusual initiatives. In the "Dairy and Milk History Museum" (closed as of January 12, 2021) of Snow Brand Meglu Milk in Naebo, Sapporo, where we visited for our interview, there is a "Katsugen Jinja" dedicated to Katsugen. From here, we spoke with Mr. Sugaya, the director of the "Dairy and Milk History Museum.

"Dairy and Milk History Museum" is unfortunately currently (*January 12, 2021) closed due to Corona

The product was originally popular among students preparing for entrance exams and athletes because of the word "Katsugen," and a "Katsugen Shrine" was established in 2005 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Katsugen's sale. At the time, the shrine was located on the tour route of the Sapporo factory, and since the factory tour was part of the tour of the Dairy and Milk History Museum, only those who signed up for the tour were allowed to visit the shrine.

Katsugen Shrine. I was honestly surprised that it was more splendid than I had imagined

This is now a splendid shrine

You can see an ema (votive picture tablet) hanging in the back

The wishes of many people are made at the Shengen Katsugen Shrine

The bottle Katsugen was enshrined in 1958 when it was on sale

At the time, the shrine was on the factory tour course, but it was later moved to the "Dairy and Milk History Museum" to allow visitors to casually visit the shrine (*Closed as of January 12, 2021). The efforts have gone far beyond the scope of puns, and it seems that a "prayer festival" is being held, but what is that?

The "Katsugen Shrine Prayer Festival" began in 2017, and for the past two years we have held events for customers, with hundreds of people from the local community and students preparing for exams, etc. As for 2021, unfortunately we will not be able to have many people come, due to these times, Unfortunately, we will not be able to have many visitors in 2021, but we will ask for three things on your behalf: that Corona will be brought under control soon, that students will pass their exams, and that athletes will win their games.

Past "Katsugen Shrine Various Prayers for Success"

And actually, I think I saw another Katsugen Shrine when I was here for a previous meeting, but what was that all about...?

What was that about? (Laughs) Originally, our company holds the Snow Brand Megmilk Ski Jumping Competition every year, and we wanted to bring a shrine to the venue and have the athletes visit the shrine before the competition, so we created a smaller branch shrine. In addition to jumping competitions, we also travel to hotels, supermarkets, and various events with which we have business relationships, and we have received quite a favorable response."

A business trip version of the Katsugen Shrine (branch shrine). It is about two times smaller and is usually located at the entrance of Snow Brand Meg Milk's company

The 2021 "Katsugen Shrine Various Wishes Fulfillment Prayer Festival" will be held in early January for related parties only, and the event will be broadcast on the official Snow Brand MegMilk website and official YouTube channel around early February.


Although katsugen is a familiar name for people living in Hokkaido, there are many things about its history that I did not know! And Katsugen Shrine, which I thought was a playful initiative, has been visited by many people to make wishes because of the auspiciousness of the word.

When you have a chance to come back to Hokkaido after Corona settles down, or even when you see it outside of Hokkaido, please pick it up and have a drink.
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