The mysterious sight of "Humbe Falls" flowing down a cliff by the side of the road|Domingo

The mysterious sight of "Humbe Falls" flowing down a cliff by the side of the road



Hiroo Town

Driving along Route 336, you will encounter a strange sight along the way: a series of waterfalls flowing along the side of the road. These are named "Humbe Falls," and they surprise and delight us as we pass by.

I tried to find out why these waterfalls were created and what the origin of their name is.

Let us start with the detailed location.

The Humbe Falls can be seen along the national road in the Humbe area, about a five-minute drive from Hiroo Bridge in the direction of Erimo. If you are driving without knowing it, you may be surprised by the sudden appearance of the waterfall, which is just a short distance away from the road. And it is not just one waterfall, but many, many waterfalls, stretching for as long as 150 meters. This is a rare and precious sight that is not easily seen anywhere else.
In fact, the Humbe Falls are actually a spring of underground water. Instead of water flowing from upstream and falling down the cliff like a normal waterfall, if you look closely, you can see water flowing out from the middle of the rock surface. If you look more closely, you can also see several underground streams dripping straight down, just like a curtain, instead of just running down the rock face.
By the way, aren't you curious about the name of the waterfall, Humbe Falls? It was named "Humbe" from the Ainu word meaning "beach where whales are caught" because whales used to strike this area in the past.
By the way, the road where the Humbe Falls is located is commonly called "Golden Road. It is said that the 33.529 km road from Oshirobetsu in Hiroo Town to Shoya in Erimo Town was so named because it was once so difficult to construct that "money was spent on it as if it were paved with gold.

The Humbe Falls, which can be seen while driving along such a golden road, are cool to the eyes in summer and become icicles in winter, delighting us as a familiar natural formative beauty. If you have a chance to pass by, you should definitely take note of this unique sight. However, please be careful while driving.

For more information, please visit Domingo's spot page.
Humbe Waterfall

Supported by
Hiroo Town Office, Division of Fisheries, Commerce, Industry and Tourism
Location: 7-1, Nishi 4-jo, Hiroo-cho, Hiroo-gun, Hokkaido
Phone: 01558-2-0177
Official website:

Writer's Profile

Hokkaido Sightseeing Turtle Writer Bubu-Neko

I'm "Bubaneko," a writer with many connections to Hokkaido's sights and tourist facilities. There are many wonderful resources, even the ones we take for granted when we live in Hokkaido. I will be sharing these wonderful attractions of Hokkaido with you.

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