What is "Pure White", the pure white corn of Minamihoro Town? Soups and dressings that make the most of its sweetness|Domingo

What is "Pure White", the pure white corn of Minamihoro Town? Soups and dressings that make the most of its sweetness



Nanporo Town

In this seventh installment of the Domingo×Domingo collaboration, we take a closer look at the town of Minami-Poro-cho! For four weeks, we will provide you with information on how to enjoy the town and its specialties. In this article, we introduce "Pure White," a white and sweet corn that is very popular among the hometown taxpayers of Nanporo! We will tell you about the history of cultivation in Nanboro-cho, the secret of its delicious taste, and soups and dressings that are concentrated with the sweetness and umami of Pure White.

We interviewed Mr. Shingo Jochi, who produces rice, wheat, corn, mini-tomatoes, and other crops in Minami-Horo-cho.

We asked him about Pure White cultivation in Minamihoro, which was started by his father and his friends.


What is "Pure White"?

Have you ever heard of "Pure White," which is said to be the miraculous white corn?


Pure White is a sweet corn that is very popular as a gift because of its pure white appearance and fruity sweetness. Each kernel is soft and juicy, and can be eaten raw, boiled, or heated in a microwave oven.

Did you know that Minamihoro Town is a pioneer in the cultivation of pure white corn in Hokkaido?


The cultivation of pure white corn in Minamihoro started 23 years ago. It was a time when no one had ever seen white corn.

My father was growing pumpkins with his friends at the time. When he visited Snow Brand Seed Corporation for a training session, they served him corn soup, saying, 'It's still in the trial stage,' and he was amazed at its pure white color, sweetness, and deliciousness. That was the beginning. That was the beginning of the trial cultivation of Pure White, which was a new variety at the time, and the cultivation of Pure White in Minami-Horono-cho began.

Since there had been no corn cultivation in Minami-Horo-cho before, the project started with no know-how and no sales channels. Through trial and error, they finally succeeded in shipping the product, but white corn was not at all familiar at the time, and even the market did not pay attention to it, saying, "We can't sell corn with this color.


However, we had absolute confidence in the taste of pure white corn, and we did not give up until we were recognized for our taste.

I wanted people to know how good Pure White tasted, so I started by telling people to try it. I wanted people to know how good Pure White tasted, so I started by telling people to try it. One day, it was introduced on TV, and that was the start of a lot of attention. The demand from outside of Hokkaido is huge, and now the majority of our products are gifts and tax returns from the hometown of Minami-Horonomachi.

Today, the "Bright Rural Network" established by Mr. Joti's fathers produces about 400,000 corn plants a year with eight farmers. It is also the proud No. 1 most popular hometown tax payment in Minamihoro Town.

White corn, which became very popular after it was introduced on TV, spread to various regions, and cultivation in other production areas and the development of other varieties have flourished. Among such varieties, the Pure White variety produced by the "Bright Rural Communities Network" has the lowest "claim rate" by far. What is the reason for this?

The secret of the popularity of "Pure White" produced in Nanboro-cho

There are reasons for the high satisfaction rate of Pure White grown in Minami-Horo-cho: First of all, thorough quality control.

We limit the number of people who can harvest our corn. With Jochi Farms, only my father, mother, and I pick the corn. The same is true for other farmers. The people who are able to discern the best timing for harvesting are the ones who pick the corn, so there is no variation in the size or the consistency of the kernels, and we are able to maintain high quality.


In addition, "Bright Rural Community Network" has its own regulation that only 350 grams or more of Pure White, which is the standard for "L size" (300 grams or more), will be shipped. Pure White, which has a very high level of satisfaction in terms of both size and quality, is highly valued as a gift.

The variety has now been changed, and the "Pure White SP" has been bred to grow larger, and accordingly, the standard has been changed to only ship 380 grams or more.

Delivery companies are also carefully selected so that even those outside of Hokkaido can receive their products the next day, which is a relief. In addition, they take great care to preserve freshness by boxing them vertically as they were before they were harvested. The desire to please customers when they receive and eat the products is the reason for the low complaint rate.

Soups and dressings born from the spirit of "Mottainai (What a waste)

Pure White from Minami-Horiocho maintains high quality by setting its own standards. While customers are highly satisfied with the quality of the corn, the farmer says, "If we don't get even one gram of corn, we don't ship it," so there is corn that tastes good but can't be shipped.

It would be a waste to throw it away, so the members of the "Bright Rural Community Network" asked themselves, "What can we do with the pure white corn that doesn't meet our standards? Pure White Soup" was born out of the desire of the members of the "Bright Rural Community Network.


We wanted to make use of the pure white, so we asked a company called Nankei-en to make soup from the pure white that we had shaved and frozen ourselves, which led to the commercialization of the product. It wasn't a matter of saying, "Let's make soup! What should we do with this wasteful corn? Pure White Soup was born out of the desire to "do something with this wasteful corn.

This soup contains pure white corn in paste form, so just by adding milk and heating it up, you can make a luxurious soup. The sweetness of pure white will fill your mouth and make you happy. The grains are still in the soup, so the texture is also enjoyable!


They recommend not only eating it as a soup, but also utilizing it as a sauce for pasta or putting it inside croquettes! I would like to try it.

Also, one day a salesman from Asahikawa's Japan Soy Sauce Industry Co. This led to the creation of a very tasty dressing that takes advantage of the flavor and sweetness of pure white.


Since it takes a lot of time and effort to shave the pure white kernels, the production is limited, so this is a gem that can only be found in the town of Minami-horo.

This dressing is not too salty even if you put too much on it. It is delicious even if you pour a lot of it on a salad! It is also good on chilled tofu, and I like it on ramen noodle salad! It's delicious, so please give it a try.

Presenting the bounty of Minamihoro Town! Pure White Soup and Dressing

The products of this present campaign are a set of soup and dressing made from pure white, cultivated with great care by the members of the "Bright Farming Village Network" of Minami-Horonomachi!


Bright Farming Village Network
Web site

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