Even animals like that! A collection of Hokkaido's typical "Beware of Animals" signs.|Domingo

Even animals like that! A collection of Hokkaido's typical "Beware of Animals" signs.




Animal warning signs can be seen when driving along roads in Hokkaido, which is rich in nature. Officially, these signs are called "Animal Beware" signs, but there are many of them in Hokkaido, ranging from famous ones to slightly unusual ones. In this issue, we will introduce some of the "Beware of Animals" signs that are unique to Hokkaido.

Deer" often appear in the early morning and evening


First of all, there is the classic deer that is typical of Hokkaido. While most people may think of the deer of Nara, the Ezo sika deer is the most familiar to the people of Hokkaido.

Of the seven species of Japanese deer in Japan, the Ezo sika is the largest, and has caused problems such as damage to agriculture, intrusion and jumping out onto roads, and collisions with cars. The number of traffic accidents caused by Ezo sika deer in Hokkaido reached 4,480 (in 2022), and the number is increasing every year. If you see this sign while driving, be more careful.

Never approach a "bear.


There are two species of bears in Japan, the black bear and the brown bear. The brown bear, which lives in Hokkaido, is large and strong and is the largest land creature in Japan. Recently, they are often sighted in human settlements, and agricultural damage and human injuries are on the rise. They are probably the number one wild animal you do not want to encounter if at all possible. If you see one, never approach it.

Representative of the Dairy Kingdom "Cows


This is the representative of Hokkaido, the dairy kingdom. There are several municipalities in Hokkaido that have more cows than population, and these signs are often seen on roads in the eastern part of Hokkaido, where dairy farming is thriving. Like the cows, there are various designs, and they make us feel relaxed while driving.


まだまだある!北海道らしい珍しい動物注意標識<h3 class="ptn_4"> Not only thoroughbreds, but also "horses</h3><img id="23701" src="https://domingo.ne.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/8d9063ed70e8ea4d33c8cdbb73740f57.jpg" alt="動物警戒標識_ウマ" /><p> Hokkaido is the largest horse-producing region in Japan, and many thoroughbreds are produced mainly from the Hidaka region. People born in Hokkaido are sometimes called "Dosanko," which is originally the name of a horse breed. It is evident that Hokkaido has had a close relationship with horses since the pioneer days of Hokkaido.</p> <p> This sign may be said to be unique to Hokkaido, as there are many places where you can become familiar with horses, such as "Banei Horse Racing," which can only be seen in Hokkaido in the world, horseback riding, and horse trekking.</p> <h3 class="ptn_4"> Squirrels," the park's most popular animals</h3><img id="23702" src="https://domingo.ne.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/b6bedf7c515be8158e57e11408eb94c6.jpg" alt="動物警戒標識_リス" /><p> Two species of squirrels live in Hokkaido, the "Ezo squirrel" and the "Ezo chipmunk," and as the name suggests, they are native species that can only be encountered in Hokkaido. Chipmunks found outside of Hokkaido are mostly non-native species, such as those that were bred as pets and have become wild, and are a different species from the Ezo chipmunk. You can often see them in parks, but be careful not to run over them if you see a sign.</p> <h3 class="ptn_4"> The red-crowned crane, a protected species</h3><img id="23697" src="https://domingo.ne.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/c3f3aaea241d976b766ebb6b7d23c370.jpg" alt="動物警戒標識_ツル" /><p> This sign cannot be seen anywhere else but Hokkaido. The red-crowned crane, designated as the "bird of Hokkaido," is found in the eastern area of Hokkaido and is protected as a natural monument. Their graceful appearance and the way they spread their large wings as they soar through the air are a sight to behold, but be careful not to drive blindly if you encounter one while driving. </p> <p> In addition to the signs introduced here, there are also signs for foxes and raccoons! Thanks to these signs, you can feel the abundance of wildlife while driving. We should take pride in such a nature-rich Hokkaido and drive safely with an open mind.</p> <br> <p> All information is current as of November 2022.<br> All information is subject to change. Please check the official website for details. </p> <h3 class="ptn_5"> Check also!</h3>

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