A favorite snack of Naganuma residents! Morishita Shofuan's freshly fried karinto buns are a must-try!|Domingo

A favorite snack of Naganuma residents! Morishita Shofuan's freshly fried karinto buns are a must-try!



Naganuma Town

Every region has a confectionary store that is rooted in the local area, where you can find both daily snacks and small souvenirs. Morishita Shofuan is no exception. In Naganuma Town, where there are many famous ice cream and gelato stores, this long-established store has been a favorite since its establishment in 1950. Let's take a peek.

Morishita Shofuan stands along Route 337. In front of the store, there are signs, banners, and posters introducing various products, making it quite lively. It is exciting even before entering the store!

(Photo by laufen Katsu)

Upon entering the store, you will find a variety of Japanese confections as well as Western confections. Time flies by as you look at each one, whether on the shelves or in the refrigerated showcase.
While I was browsing through the various items, I was told that the most popular one is "karinto manju" (sweet bun). I am sure that some people have seen it sold in Sapporo. Perhaps even people outside of Hokkaido may have seen it at Hokkaido product fairs.
There are other stores that sell karinto buns, but many fans swear that "Morishita Shofuan is the best! One of the reasons for this is that they are freshly fried. One of the reasons for this is that they insist on deep-frying their buns freshly.

Morishita Shofuan deep fries only enough karinto buns to be sold on the same day. When eaten freshly fried, they are crispy and light. The dough made with brown sugar from Okinawa and the red bean paste made with azuki beans from Hokkaido are a perfect combination and you can eat as much as you want.
What's even more amazing is that it tastes great even if you leave it for a little while. The texture changes to a sticky one, and it is just as good. If you like a crispy texture, warming it up in the toaster will bring it back to life!

(photo courtesy of Morishita Shofuan)

Let us introduce some of our recommendations from the Western confectionery section as well. The "Akaneiro Madeleine" was newly introduced in 2018 and has become a standard item due to its popularity. These apple-filled madeleines are inspired by Naganuma Town, known as the town of the setting sun. With its gentle flavor, this is definitely a favorite of both children and adults already.
We also recommend the adorably named "Ranran Purin" pudding. The pudding is made with eggs from local chickens raised in a natural environment, and the flavor of the eggs can be felt. The thick texture and rich eating experience should satisfy even the most discerning pudding lover! By the way, "Karinto" flavor is also available here.
Morishita Shofuan's cakes are also not to be missed. For example, the cakes with motifs of local animals are so cute and popular with children that it is hard to decide where to start eating. Despite being a long-established shop, Morishita Shofuan is constantly developing new products while incorporating new things and Naganuma's unique flavor.

That is why it has always been loved by the locals, as they are able to encounter fresh surprises and discoveries every time they visit, even though they feel secure and stable with their unwavering standard products.

<Morishita Shofuan
Location: 1-1-6 Honmachi Kita, Naganuma-cho, Yubari-gun, Hokkaido
Phone: 0123-88-0051
Official website: https://msyofuan.com/

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Hokkaido Sightseeing Turtle Writer Bubu-Neko

I'm Bubaneko, a writer with many connections to sightseeing spots and tourist facilities in Hokkaido. There are many wonderful resources, even the ones we take for granted when we live in Hokkaido. I will be sharing these wonderful attractions of Hokkaido with you.

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