Rediscover the charm of vegetables! Four recommended items from farm restaurants, a rarity in Sapporo!|Domingo

Rediscover the charm of vegetables! Four recommended items from farm restaurants, a rarity in Sapporo!



Sapporo City

The farm restaurant format, in which a restaurant is operated on a farm, can be found throughout Hokkaido. However, in urban areas such as Sapporo, there are many restrictions that make it difficult. We have found such a valuable farm restaurant! Why don't you try plenty of fresh vegetables in Sapporo?
The name of the restaurant is "Vegetable Belle. The name is a double meaning of "vegetable + belle" = "vegetable beauty" and "vegetable + eat". Located in Shinoji, this farm restaurant is marked by its cute green building. Please note that it is open only for lunch and tea time.
When you enter the restaurant, the high ceilings and open atmosphere will fill you with anticipation. There is a store attached to the restaurant, and the colorful vegetables on display are irresistibly appetizing. The food, which is made with an abundance of fresh vegetables from the farm, is not only delicious but also beautiful! Let's get right to it and introduce you to more and more.
First is the "Tabere Plate," a recommended weekly menu item. The menu at the time of the interview, clockwise from the left, included "Chicken and Sweet Potato with Lemon," "Marinated Vegetables," "Daikon and Chicken," and "Turnip, Chinese Cabbage and Green Onion Soup. The vegetables were just delicious and my body seemed to be happy with each bite.
This is also the weekly "Veggie Plate". As the name suggests, it is a vegetable-centered menu. Clockwise from the left are "Croquettes with grilled potatoes and pumpkin," "Marinated vegetables," "Peperoncino style tofu and radish," and "Stewed radish and chicken. The soups are the same as those mentioned above. Each one is also a suggestion for how to eat vegetables and a reference for cooking.
The weekly menu also includes. The "Chicken and Daikon Kakuni-style Bowl with Hot Eggs on Top" is a bowl of rice topped with chicken and daikon radish. It is amazing that even a bowl of rice can become such a colorful and beautiful dish! It is a dish that will make you sigh in admiration the moment it arrives at your table.

As we have seen, Vegeta Beale's menu changes on a weekly basis. If you are interested, you might want to check out the menu on the restaurant's Facebook page before heading out.
However, the regular menu is also available. The Tomato Vegetable Curry. The curry is made with a variety of seasonal vegetables in a homemade tomato sauce, and has a refreshingly sour taste! For an extra 100 yen, you can order brown enzyme rice.

As the seasons change, the seasonal ingredients also change, and the menu changes as well. ...... You will never get tired of Vegetable Curry, as there is always something new to discover whenever you visit.

Come and experience the luxury that only a farm restaurant can offer.

<Farm Restaurant Vegeta Beale
Location: 243-2 Takuhoku, Shinoro-machi, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido
Phone: 011-792-0330
Official website:

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Hokkaido Sightseeing Tortoise Writer Bubu-Neko

I'm "Bubaneko," a writer with many connections to Hokkaido's sights and tourist facilities. There are many wonderful resources, even the ones we take for granted when we live in Hokkaido. I will be sharing these wonderful attractions of Hokkaido with you.

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