Fascination with World & Japan Firsts! And buzz! What is the unique attraction of the Aquarium of the Northern Lands?|Domingo

Fascination with World & Japan Firsts! And buzz! What is the unique attraction of the Aquarium of the Northern Lands?



Kitami City

The Aquarium of the Northern Lands exhibits freshwater fish in Rubebesti Town, Kitami City, Hokkaido. Although smaller in scale than giant aquariums, the aquarium has gained nationwide popularity for its unique exhibition and communication methods. What exactly makes it so popular? Let us introduce its charms.

What is the Aquarium of the Northern Lands?

The former "Aquarium of the Mountain and Local Aquarium" opened in 1978 and closed in 2011 due to aging facilities, but was relocated to its current location and reopened in 2012 under the nickname "Aquarium of the North Land.


Japan's first waterfall tank

In this semi-dome-shaped tank, which looks up from below, visitors can observe the dynamic swimming of oshorokoma and landlocked salmon from the bottom of a waterfall basin.


The bubbling and shining light is fantastic and popular as a photo spot.


The first of its kind in the world! The "Four Seasons Aquarium" where the river freezes over

Outside the building is an aquarium that reproduces a river, where visitors can observe fish from indoors. It is a new sensation as if you are looking at a cross-section of the river. The fish on display change with the seasons, with chum salmon, pink salmon, and cherry salmon making an especially powerful appearance in the fall!


Male cherry salmon (photo courtesy of Aquarium of the Northern Lands)

The aquarium is located in Ruhebesti, an area that is so cold that the temperature sometimes drops below minus 20 degrees Celsius in winter...so the surface of the water freezes during the harsh winter months! There is no other aquarium in the world where you can see fish living under the ice.


A sight that is normally never seen (Photo: Courtesy of Aquarium of the Northern Lands)

Phantom fish Itou

The Itou Tank is home to Japan's largest freshwater fish, the Itou, also known as the "phantom fish" because of its rarity.


The size of the fish can be clearly seen when compared to a human being.

Another popular program is "Itadakimasu Live," a feeding commentary performance in which visitors can watch a live rainbow trout being eaten. The sight of Ittaku chasing after the trout and the rainbow trout running away from them, as well as the sight of the trout preying on them, makes you feel a certain excitement and the harshness of the natural world, while reminding you that we humans also live by receiving "life" every day.


Once the prey is introduced, the animals become agile and agile (Photo: Courtesy of Aquarium of the Northern Lands)

There are many other fascinating fish!

The section introducing tropical freshwater fish from around the world is filled with a different character from that of Hokkaido's freshwater fish.


The Amazonian pirarucu is the world's largest freshwater fish


Colorful freshwater fish from Africa


Asia's translucent grass cat

In the Fureai Touch Corner, doctor fish, a staple of aquariums, are on display. When you put your hand in the tank, they gather and eat dead skin cells, but what is noteworthy is their size! The size of the fish is said to surprise even aquarium enthusiasts.


Doctor fish is a common name, and its official name is gala rufa (Photo: Courtesy of Aquarium of the Northern Lands)

How was it? I hope that the introduction so far has been enough to convey its appeal, but in a sense, this is where the real work begins...

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