Illustrations to promote the charms of the town! Illustrations depicting ordinary daily life in Ashibetsu have become a topic of conversation.|Domingo

Illustrations to promote the charms of the town! Illustrations depicting ordinary daily life in Ashibetsu have become a topic of conversation.



Ashibetsu City

An illustration posted by a Hokkaido resident featuring the scenery of Hokkaido has been attracting attention on SNS. The poster, Ashibeshiko, is currently working as a member of a local development cooperative in Ashibetsu City, Hokkaido. Her illustrations of Ashibetsu City, Hokkaido, drawn from an immigrant's point of view, have been getting a lot of feedback.


Taken from @ashibetugurashi's X post

We spoke with Ashibetuko herself about her contribution.

She said, "Illustrations in which not only the people but also the backgrounds are the stars of the show."

QWhere in Ashibetsu City did you draw the model for this post?

The illustrations are based on the following locations in Ashibetsu City: the first one (upper left) is Ashibetsu Station, the second one (upper right) is Sawa Crossing, the third one (lower left) is Married Couple Waterfall Park, and the fourth one (lower right) is Nohana Minami Station.


Ashibetsu Station

QWhy did you start the kind of activities you are doing now?

I have been drawing pictures on my own since childhood, and I am good at creating digital illustrations using a computer or tablet. I started this activity because I thought that I could convey the charms of Ashibetsu to the younger generation living in and outside the city by expressing and communicating the rich nature and historical buildings of Ashibetsu through illustrations.


Sawa Crossing

QPlease tell us about your commitment to illustration.

I am particular about illustrations in which not only the people but also the backgrounds are the main characters. We also try to express and convey the charm of the town through illustrations, as they are familiar to the younger generation and are easily seen as attractive.

QWhat is your impression of Ashibetsu City?

When I visited the "Art & Culture Exchange Center" in Ashibetsu City and saw the ateliers of famous artists and their works on display, I felt that Ashibetsu has a climate that is friendly to art. Perhaps because of this culture, the response to my illustrations has been very receptive, and the free paper "Ashibetsu Gurashi," which depicts scenic spots in Ashibetsu City and was published last summer, is still well received by people in and outside of the city.


Married Couple Waterfall Park

QWhat are your thoughts on Ashibetsu City?

Although it is a little embarrassing to see my illustrations in various places, I am happy to be part of the scenery of the city, and I am very grateful that my drawings are recognized. I would like to continue my activities so that I can give something back to the city of Ashibetsu, which has a climate that is friendly to art.


Nohana Minami Station

QIs there anything you would like to do in the future?

Ashibetsu has a shopping district in front of the station, and I would like to rent a corner of it to have my own store. Right now the floor is still under construction, but I plan to open it next spring or later. Eventually, I would like to run an illustration office and hold illustration classes.

It has been a great response on social networking sites!

Thank you, Ashibeiko! On social networking sites for these posts,

"It's so elegant and lovely!
I love the scenery with the railroad!
I'm looking forward to seeing more of your attractive posts.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of the charm of this area.

The many wonderful illustrations were inspired by the scenery of Ashibetsu City in Hokkaido. The passion for the region expressed in the illustrations was a moving episode.

Check them out as well!

Writer Profile

吉田清香 Part-time public servant/Web writer Seika Yoshida

Born in Chiba Prefecture. She is currently working hard to become a school and community translator (coordinator) with the vision of "enriching the community with the power of words! and is striving to become a translator (coordinator) between the school and the community. She works as a support worker at an after-school children's club and also works as a web writer. She lives in the town of Shin-hidaka.

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