Unique fish cake made with local ingredients! Kaneta Yoshida Kamaboko-Ten, a long-established shop in Iwanai Town|Domingo

Unique fish cake made with local ingredients! Kaneta Yoshida Kamaboko-Ten, a long-established shop in Iwanai Town



Iwanai Town

Iwanai Town facing the Sea of Japan is the birthplace of longline pollock fishing in Hokkaido. Kaneta Yoshida Kamaboko-Ten uses only walleye pollock to create unique kamaboko one after another with free ideas.

It is said that locals and tourists alike go out of their way to visit the store in search of a taste unlike any other. Let's find out what kind of fish cake it is.

As soon as we entered the store, we were immediately attracted by its charm. The showcases display a variety of products that look like Japanese-style confectionaries. and your concept will be overturned. The various shapes and sizes are exciting to look at.

(Photo by Namara Iwanai)

And best of all, they all look delicious. From the "stick kamaboko" (220 yen including tax) with a stick, to the eye-catching "kabocha-san" (130 yen including tax) with pumpkin, to the "octopus roll" (165 yen including tax) with fresh octopus mixed into the dough, you will want to buy every kind of flavor.
Although Kaneta Yoshida Kamaboko-Ten produces such innovative kamaboko, it was founded in 1897...... and is actually a long-established store with a history of over 120 years. The first generation, who was in the business of processing cod roe, began making kamaboko in collaboration with a nearby restaurant, and it is still passed down today as the signature product, Kakunoyaki (373 yen including tax).
By the way, Kakunoyaki is delicious boiled in oden or other stewed dishes, but it is also delicious sliced thin and served with wasabi soy sauce. The "dango-ten" (10 pieces, 275 yen including tax) shown in the top photo is also enjoyed by regular customers, who eat it as it is as a snack. If you have a chance to visit Iwanai Town, you should definitely stop by this store. You will surely be impressed with the variety of products.

Kaneta Yoshida Kamaboko Shop
Location: 1-5 Misaki, Iwanai-cho, Iwanai-gun, Hokkaido
Phone: 0135-62-0245
Official website: https://www.kanetayoshidakamabokoten.com/

Writer Profile

Hokkaido Sightseeing Turtle Writer Bubu-Neko

I'm "Bubaneko," a writer with many connections to Hokkaido's sights and tourist facilities. There are many wonderful resources, even the ones we take for granted when we live in Hokkaido. I will be sharing these wonderful attractions of Hokkaido with you.

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