A must-see for smoked food lovers! Delicious "cold smoked" food at Cafe Dinkels|Domingo

A must-see for smoked food lovers! Delicious "cold smoked" food at Cafe Dinkels

Cafe Dinkels, located on the grounds of the glamping facility Feriendorf in Nakasatsunai Village, Tokachi, Hokkaido, is a restaurant inspired by the German countryside. The restaurant's distinctive feature is its smoked dishes prepared under the supervision of a "cold smoker.

Cold smoking" brings out the flavors of the ingredients themselves

Cold smoking is a method of smoking food in a smoker at a low temperature between 15°C and 30°C for a long period of time. Since the food is smoked without heat, the aroma and flavor of the food itself are brought out in the finished product. Café Dinkels offers a wide variety of cold-smoked dishes.


Luxurious roast beef piled as high as it can go!

All of the five types of burgers are attractive, but the "Cold-smoked Roast Beef Burger," limited to five servings a day, is a must-try that will raise your spirits at the thickness of the millefeuille of meat!


The "Tokachi Magical Mayonnaise," a cold-smoked mayonnaise, gives off a subtle aroma.

The layers of roast beef are juicy and full of flavor with an elegant aroma. The accompanying fries are made with "Saya Akane" potatoes from the Orikasa Farm in Tokachi, and have a sweet and mild flavor.


While eating the hamburger, the wrapping paper looks like a face, which is a playful touch.

The "Nakasatsunai Teritama Chicken Burger," which uses Nakasatsunai's country chicken and eggs, is another menu item unique to this restaurant. It is fun to order each burger to share and compare! Cold-smoked bacon and eggs on a bed of rice" is cold-smoked bacon and eggs. Mr. Takada's specialty is the "cold-smoked bacon and eggs bowl," which has a fresh aroma, is moist, and allows you to feel the true flavor of the meat.


Happiness of eating it with a fried egg and red wine sauce.

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