• スポットタイトル

Makomanai River Salmon Observation Plaza

This park is located along the Makomanai River, a tributary of the Goshiribetsu River, a first-class river that has long been used as a salmon fishing ground. The large site is equipped with wooden athletic equipment, benches, and a house in the east, as well as a grassy lawn and a paved walking trail, which is used for walks and picnics. A salmon and observation channel has been established in the river that runs next to the site, and salmon can be seen running upstream in the fall. As part of nature conservation efforts, an "urai" has been set up to capture salmon, and the captured salmon are artificially inseminated and the hatched fry are raised and released into the river by local elementary school students the following spring.


Business Hours

*Closed during winter

regular closing day

No snow removal during winter



parking lot

Yes (43 cars)


Tokushima, Kitahiyama-ku, Setsuna-machi, Kuoto-gun

The information is current as of March 2021.
Please check the official website for details.

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