Only in Hokkaido, "Beko Mochi" instead of "Kashiwa Mochi" is celebrated on May 5, Tango no Sekku!|Domingo

Only in Hokkaido, "Beko Mochi" instead of "Kashiwa Mochi" is celebrated on May 5, Tango no Sekku!




May 5th is Children's Day and Dragon Boat Festival. On Tango no Sekku, people usually eat "Kashiwa Mochi" to wish for the healthy growth of their children, but in Hokkaido, "Beko Mochi" appears. In this article, we would like to introduce the origin of Beko Mochi.

Originally, there was a local snack called "Kujira Mochi" in Yamagata Prefecture, which was introduced to Hokkaido and evolved into the current form (*there are some theories), and some areas in southern Hokkaido call Beko Mochi "Kujira Mochi" as a vestige of this tradition.

In Hokkaido, it is strongly recognized as something that is mainly served on Dragon Boat Festival, but it is also often seen as an offering on the far shore of the year and at occasions such as New Year's, weddings and funerals.

The most common type of beko mochi in Hokkaido is black and white and shaped like a leaf, but there are many variations of the shape, including cow-shaped beko mochi!

Since there are cow-shaped beko mochi, many people think that the name "beko," meaning cow, comes from the black and white color scheme, but there are several other theories as to the origin of the name, including the theory that it was called "beko" because the brown sugar mixed with the rice looks like a "beko" pattern.

The process is as follows: rice flour is mixed with water and sugar, kneaded, placed in a wooden mold, and steamed. There is also a theory that the name "beiko" comes from the fact that it is made from rice flour. There is a theory that the name "baiko" comes from the rice flour used to make it. The glutinous texture and mild sweetness of beko mochi give people a nostalgic feeling, and can be purchased at supermarkets and Japanese confectionery stores in Hokkaido for 100 to 130 yen per piece.

Beko mochi are a common sight in Hokkaido. If you have never had it, please try it when you come to Hokkaido!

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