Spring has finally arrived! Beautiful fresh greenery, sunsets, and animals starting to raise their young [Tomohiro Nakamichi's Shibecha Biyori (8)|Domingo

Spring has finally arrived! Beautiful fresh greenery, sunsets, and animals starting to raise their young [Tomohiro Nakamichi's Shibecha Biyori (8)



Shibecha Town

I am Tomohiro Nakamichi from Shibecha Town, Hokkaido. In "Shibecha Biyori", I will tell you about the charms of Shibecha Town from my point of view. This time, I would like to introduce "Spring in Shibecha".

Beautiful New Greenery and Budding Plants

What do you think of when you hear the word "spring"? Most people think of cherry blossoms, but I, who started living in Shibecha, Hokkaido, imagine "fresh greenery.

I thought it was the end of winter, but one day, all of a sudden (or so it seems), plants and trees sprout and the entire land is dyed in green, which is breathtaking. This is the green Ibuki that we feel in Hokkaido, where winter is a bleak landscape. Many people may take it for granted, but for me, it is a very impressive spring green.


Mt. Nishibetsu and meadows dyed in fresh green

Spring is also the season when various plants sprout. In Hokkaido, we tend to focus only on the big landscapes, but if we casually look down at the ground and landscape in front of us, we can feel the small lives of plants.


A cluster of dandelions blooming at the Tawadaira Observatory


Ezo mountain cherry can be seen in Tawadaira.


Birch, the symbolic tree of Hokkaido, also turns fresh green

It is the season for animals to raise their young.

Spring is the season for wild animals. Here and there, animals begin to raise their young, and you can feel the lively atmosphere. In Shibecha Town, you can see not only foxes and deer, but also the raising of red-crowned cranes, which are designated as special natural treasures by the Japanese government.

Shibecha Town has abundant water sources and high-quality wetlands, providing the perfect environment to protect themselves from natural enemies. The red-crowned crane is famous for its winter migration, but it is actually a resident bird all year round. In spring, when the red-crowned cranes are raising their young, there are fewer photographers, and Shibecha is a great place to see them.


The red-crowned crane is raising its young. You can gradually see them from the end of spring.


A fox family. If you are lucky, you may be able to see them at the edge of the road.


Ezo deer, which have survived the harsh winter, head out to pasture in search of fresh grass.


Ezo snow bunnies are raising their young in the pasture after their moulting season. They raise their young in the pasture.

There is no end to the number of places that can be visited in spring in Shibecha and Hokkaido. The meadows that we usually pass by casually are full of life if we look carefully. Please enjoy the nature of Shibecha with your own eyes. The scenery you are used to will surely change.

The Beauty of the Sunset

The last thing I would like to introduce is the beauty of the sunset. The beauty of the sunset during this season is one of the most beautiful of the year. I feel that the sunsets are often beautifully burned, perhaps due to the weather or temperature.

Also, unlike winter, clouds often form, adding even more beauty to the evening scenery. One of the things that impressed me after moving to Shibecha was this sunset.

When I lived in the city, it was normal to see the sun setting behind the buildings. Here, however, the sun sets beyond the horizon. Even after the sun goes down, you can still enjoy watching the burnt sky.


The setting sun on Mt.


Sunset and deer. This kind of scenery can be seen only in Shibecha Town where there are many plains.


The setting sun at Lake Shirartoro. You can see the sunset on the horizon with the lake.

At the end

How was my visit to Shibecha? This time, I would like to share with you my personal opinion of Shibecha's spring attractions. You can see these sights really well in Shibecha.

When you go sightseeing in Shibecha, please try to look at various places other than the famous spots. I am sure you will find something new and fascinating about Hokkaido.

Author's Profile

Tomohiro Nakamichi, photographer and video creator, Shibecha-machi Regional Development Cooperation Volunteer

Born in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture in 1988. He has loved animals and nature since he was a child, and was involved in training various dogs as a dog trainer in his 20s. 5 years ago, he started taking photos and making videos of nature and animals. Currently, she lives with four dogs in a forest in Shibecha, Hokkaido, where 20 wolves used to be bred. He is currently showing his works on various social networking sites under the theme of "Relationship between people and animals.

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